Factors That Affect The Quality Of Your Sleep

For a good rest, it is important that you know how to let go of work and other worries. In addition, you should realize that your age can also influence the quality of your sleep.
Factors that influence the quality of your sleep

When you start to experience problems with the quality of your  sleep, the specialist will ask questions about your daily habits.

Poor eating habits, staying up late, taking too many naps, or using your computer and cell phone too much when you should be sleeping can undoubtedly cause insomnia. But what you should also remember is that you are not the only one responsible for a poor quality of rest.

Even if you sleep at night, it can sometimes happen that the quality of your sleep is not good enough . Then you regularly wake up tired and you suffer from muscle aches and headaches.

Investigate the causes

If you suffer from this problem and this situation has been going on for quite some time, you should consult a doctor. That can determine what the cause is.

Among other things, in this article we will discuss some other factors that can be the cause of a bad night’s sleep. You may not even be aware of it. Let’s take a look at those factors first.

1. Your age affects the quality of your sleep

Old woman

As we get older, it is normal for the quality of our sleep to decrease somewhat.  You may sleep a little lighter, you wake up more often and the deep sleep lasts fewer hours.

But over time, this sporadic insomnia can become chronic. It can even become such a problem that you need medication. This type of medication guarantees that you get enough good sleep. In addition, this will generally improve your quality of life.

A good night’s sleep is priceless

As mentioned, there are many reasons to get a good night’s sleep. Poor sleep can cause several problems: sleep apnea, restless legs, joint pain. There may even be changes in your biorhythm.

Seek medical help, eat a good diet, and do moderate-intensity exercise regularly. This will help to increase the quality of your sleep.

2. Women sleep less

It’s impossible to generalize because insomnia happens when you least expect it, but the American Sleep Foundation has determined that your gender determines your night’s sleep.

Here are the reasons:

  • Women tend to multitask. They perform a whole range of activities where their minds are preoccupied with multiple concerns, incentives, and responsibilities.
  • In addition, there may be conditions related to pregnancy or menopause.

All of this can lead to the first symptoms of insomnia.

Sleep Apnea and Snoring

This is another interesting aspect: men have more problems with sleep apnea or snoring. As a result, they wake up their partner several times a night on average.

We can deduce from this that the quality of sleep in women decreases little by little.

3. The culture and place where you live determine your night’s sleep

oriental women

This is not just a fact, because everyone understands this: the society in which you live can determine the quality of your general well-being.

Look at Japan, for example. People are very focused on their work. Society also attaches great importance to the fact that people sleep fewer hours at night. Actually in Japan it is very common for someone to practice ‘inemuri’. That is the art of being awake while sleeping.


To illustrate, the Japanese take short naps at work. They nod for a moment without ever going to bed. What they actually do is let the mind and body rest for a few minutes. This is also necessary in view of the high workload that is so characteristic of most inhabitants of this country.

living habits

On the other hand, lifestyles are very dependent on the culture to which you belong.  In Spain, for example, it is very common to eat late and go to sleep very late. This custom is in stark contrast to what people in most northern European countries and most of the United States are used to.

These are all factors that do not necessarily depend on the individual, but they do determine your ability to get a good night’s sleep.

4. Sunlight

Woman on water

Many of us spend most of our day at work and in artificial light: in the office, in front of a computer, in a factory, or in any other environment where most jobs have to be done indoors.

And you won’t even notice it. Going to work before sunrise or coming home late at night can seriously affect your sleep. It can have a big impact on your life.

5. Social Pressure

Many people will say that they are in control of their own lives and that they are in control of social pressures. However, there are certain factors that we cannot always control.

For example, work can determine your agenda. But the environment itself can also influence you: social and economic pressure, schedules, obligations…  You are part of a machine and you will never be completely free. This can make you more or less stressed.

How do you deal with it?

How do you deal with this pressure? It is important that you maintain a balance between your free time and your working time.


Take care of your own health and well-being. That’s the secret to sleeping better and feeling worry-free as soon as you lay your head on your pillow.

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