Get To Know The Characteristics Of A Strong Personality

Some people can easily adapt and overcome adversity. Are you one of those people? In this article, we will discuss the attitudes that define a resilient individual or a strong personality.
Get to know the characteristics of a strong personality

There is often some confusion about personality, character and temperament. This is because the meanings of these terms are very close to each other, yet not identical. That is why it is important to explain what we mean by a strong personality.

Hall & Lindzey are the authors of  Theories of Personality (1957). According to them, personality is “a dynamic organization within the individual of the psychophysical systems that determine characteristic behavior and thinking.” In other words, it is a set of systems that are responsible for behavior and that develop as a result of a person’s history.

What does a strong personality mean?

Some people who have nothing to do with the theory of psychology say that it means that someone has character.

There is often a heated debate among theorists about the definition of “character.” But in the context of the personality, we can say that it is a person who has resilience.

Resilience is a person’s ability to positively adapt to difficult situations and overcome adversity.

It’s a lot like Kintsugi.

The term  Kintsugi  comes from Japanese culture. It is the traditional art of repairing broken ceramics with strong glue and gold powder. At the end of this process, the recovered pottery is stronger and more valuable than it was originally.

Don’t you think Kintsugi is a wonderful example of the beauty of resilience?

Signs of a strong personality

How can you tell if someone has a strong personality or not? These are some of its core characteristics.

1. Optimism

To be optimistic is the predisposition to deal with difficulties with good attitude, perseverance and hope. Above all, it is an approach that enables us to discover solutions, benefits and possibilities when we are going through difficult periods.

When we are positive and optimistic, it is easier to accept responsibility for our actions. In addition, we will more easily make good use of the time to improve ourselves.

2. Resist frustration

When we learn to withstand frustration, it gives us greater emotional stability.

It is important to be tolerant when someone, including yourself, makes a mistake. Remember that no one in the world is perfect. We all make mistakes. Remembering this will help us be more flexible with others and with ourselves.

However, there are treatment programs that emphasize the importance of alternative behavioral strategies. For they will propose new ways so that we can act differently instead of repeating our mistakes.

3. Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is a sign of maturity and intelligence. It allows us to learn how to control our emotional reactions. But above all, it is the ability to recognize and deal with our own feelings and those of others. This makes interpersonal behavior possible.

According to a significant number of studies on the subject, emotional intelligence is linked to success. Because this ability provides the foundation for social and emotional skills that are important for success in almost any job.

So you can use emotional intelligence to your advantage to improve your productivity and psychological well-being.

4. Passion

Alfredo Culebro is an entrepreneur and businessman who specializes in empowering people and businesses to achieve success. In his book  This has got to change! he defines passion as an inexhaustible energy that encourages people to keep going regardless of the limitations or the difficulties.

Passion is very useful because it gives us the power to experience satisfaction and to find pleasure in our work, even if there is no recognition.

On the other hand, research has established that a positive (harmonious) passion has a positive influence. After all, it ensures stronger positive emotions, concentration and the desire to perform a task well.

This promotes empowerment in the person. Their ability to address challenges that arise is stronger, independent of the external assistance provided or not. This ability is not innate in humans. But we can develop it. It is one of the hallmarks of a strong personality.

5. Commitment and motivation

Commitment is a commitment that requires full awareness.

This factor occurs when a person believes in what he is doing and it is important to him. This motivates him and keeps his behavior strong. The result is that the individual does not stop until he has achieved the goal he has set for himself.

Motivation on its part is a feeling that arises from a high degree of commitment to achieving a goal. This is not just about meeting our basic needs. But it is also linked to our needs for self-actualization (e.g. achieving success in different areas of life). The desire to achieve efficiency and quality also belongs to this group of needs.

Isaac Garrido Gutiérrez states that “psychological research confirms that the person who acts according to his free will creates a strong sense of personal responsibility.”

In other words, you can determine, initiate and control your motivation based on a personal choice. This way you can achieve the set goals.

In this way, motivation becomes the inner motor that connects mind, willpower and interest. Together they ensure that you achieve your goals in a positive, happy and hopeful way.

6. Flexibility

When we go through difficult situations, it is not easy to maintain balance, even though we are very self-conscious.

But when we accept the circumstances and are flexible, it will allow us to focus. It helps us work on what we can change and accept what we cannot change. We see changes as new opportunities for growth. Those are signs of a strong personality.

According to  Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) , psychological acceptance and flexibility help people to let go of negative past experiences. It helps them find a way to live life to the fullest. They can then focus on what really matters.

7. Learning

Resilience is not talent. Rather, it is a learning process.

In general, people learn by trying and making mistakes. Because we can’t do something we haven’t learned.

But experiences are a great source of personal knowledge. This serves to build strategies in those moments in life when we face difficult situations in life and overcome them with happiness.

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