The Anabolic Window: Everything You Need To Know

Taking 40 grams of casein before bedtime increases endogenous protein synthesis and prevents loss of muscle mass. In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know.
The anabolic window: everything you need to know

The anabolic window is a concept that refers to better absorption of nutrients after exercise. According to classical physiological manuals, after your muscles make an effort, a temporary space opens up in which your body benefits more from your food.

This effect can increase muscle protein synthesis, tissue repair and small yields. Despite everything, researchers today doubt the existence of the anabolic window.

They studied the effects of protein supplementation before and after exercise on muscle protein synthesis. The results seem to indicate that there is no significant difference between the two methods. Let’s take a closer look at what this means.

There may be an anabolic window before you go to sleep

Man is sleeping on his back

In recent studies, researchers found that muscle protein synthesis improved with a dose of protein at bedtime. Scientists recently published a study in The Journal of Nutrition that examined the effects of casein administration before sleep on muscle function.

They chose a group of individuals with an average age of 70 years. They compared the effects of the intake of 40 grams of casein with the contribution of 20 grams of protein enriched with leucine.

The results showed that the highest doses of protein administered before sleep improve muscle protein synthesis. This entails a reduction in lean tissue loss in the elderly.

The study therefore suggests that the classic anabolic window could exist, but at a different time interval than people previously thought. In this way , consuming protein before bed can improve muscle building.

However, no significant differences were found between pre- and post-exercise protein intake, as long as the nitrogen balance for the day was positive.

Glycogen replacement is essential

Whether or not there is an anabolic period after exercise, what is clear in any case is the need to restore glycogen deposits after an anaerobic workout.

An article published in the journal Nutrients found that the most effective way to restore glycogen deposits is to combine a carbohydrate supplement with a serving of protein.

This can therefore be a useful strategy when it comes to reducing the risk of muscle injuries in future workouts. Taking extra leucine may also be helpful to reduce muscle soreness during times of high competitive stress.

Ergogenic aids that improve tissue construction

Protein shakes and protein powder

Research has shown that a number of supplements have positive results for athletes, as post-workout intake contributes to muscle recovery. Several supplements can improve protein synthesis when taken after exercise. You can indeed improve your recovery after exercise, as well as muscle adaptations.

Two specific cases are creatine and HMB. Both substances have been proven to improve athletes’ maximum strength, as well as their body composition. Consuming these supplements in a healthy way can therefore contribute to muscle growth and loss of fat tissue.

However, the decrease in fat may be due to an increase in metabolic consumption due to increased muscle mass, not a direct effect of the substance on tissue or metabolism.

The Anabolic Window: It’s Better at Night

Current scientific trends cast doubt on the classic concept of the anabolic window after exercise. However, the latest tests suggest the possibility that there is a period when your body absorbs nutrients better.

This time interval can occur before you go to sleep. This means that taking a slowly absorbed protein can be an effective strategy to maximize muscle growth and reduce tissue catabolism.

Whatever happens, you should take these supplements as part of a varied diet with a balanced protein intake. It is important to meet your body’s protein needs so that you can maintain or improve your body composition, apart from taking a supplement at a specific time of the day.

On the other hand, we recommend that you exercise regularly. This will stimulate muscle fibers, which by increasing endogenous protein synthesis will lead to their growth.

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