7 Foods That Protect You From Diabetes

Did you know that coffee could help protect you from diabetes? Find out more about it here.
7 Foods That Protect You Against Diabetes

Type II diabetes has become more common in recent years. Even more disturbing is the fact that in the last ten years the average age of onset of this disease has fallen from 70 to 40 years. That is why it is very important to know which foods can help protect you against diabetes.

It is important to remember that the foods we are going to list below will not have the desired effect if you do not combine them with other healthy foods that you need to add to your diet. In addition, a healthy lifestyle with regular physical activity and a healthy body weight is also necessary.

Turmeric against diabetes

There are not really clear results that show conclusively that this helps against type II diabetes. However, a number of studies conducted gave very positive results regarding getting this disease.

One notable study shows information on a group of 240 patients. These patients had a high risk of developing diabetes. Although they did not have a high blood sugar level, it was still on the high side.

These patients were divided into two groups. One of these groups was given turmeric extract, an herb that contains curcumin. This could help prevent diabetes. The other group of patients only received a placebo.

At the end of the study, the researchers showed that the patients treated with turmeric did not develop further disease. However, most of the other patients did develop diabetes.


Cinnamon against diabetes

Cinnamon has the amazing property that it could boost blood sugar levels. We recommend consuming it by using it with other meals, drinks and refreshments. It also gives it a nice taste.

Adding cinnamon to baked apples, for example, is a great dessert. Add it to coffee or other refreshments, making it healthier and tastier. Try it yourself.


Not only is it a delicious drink, but it also helps us to relax, stay awake and alert. This can be a very good drink for preventing type II diabetes.

According to studies conducted by the University of California, Los Angeles, consuming coffee (normally) increases SHBG protein levels, which can prevent the development of diabetes.

Blueberries and apples

Blueberries and apples against diabetes

Consuming several servings of this fruit throughout the week may help with diabetes. This fruit contains large amounts of anthocyanin. These are substances that, according to studies, could protect against diabetes.

dark chocolate

Recent studies show that individuals who regularly consume dark chocolate have a much lower risk of type II diabetes. It is also said to help prevent most forms of cardiovascular disease.


Nuts against diabetes

Consuming nuts regularly, like all dried fruits, is very important to protect the body from conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. You should eat at least a handful of nuts per day to reap the benefits.

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