Are You Familiar With Smartphone Syndrome?

Smartphones can cause a similar dependence as some drugs. In some countries there are even rehabilitation centers for people who cannot live without their mobile phone.
Are you familiar with smartphone syndrome?

The development of new technologies has a huge impact worldwide and is very revolutionary for our way of life. The smartphone is one of the most widely used electronic devices of our time. When you feel an undue urge to constantly use your smartphone, it’s called “smartphone syndrome.”

These devices are increasingly present in our daily lives and are an essential way of communicating and working with each other. In addition, they are a tool for many other parts of our existence.

About four billion people own at least one smartphone. They can give us access to thousands of applications that we can use for all kinds of different purposes.

However, experts have been trying to warn us for some time about the negative effects the use of these devices can have on our health. This is especially the case for people who develop an addiction.

Smartphone syndrome includes a number of possible physical and psychological disorders. These can significantly lower the quality of life of the people who suffer from them.

Many do not even realize that they suffer from this condition. They are not aware that their health problems could possibly be linked to the use of their mobile phone. What problems may be related to smartphone syndrome? Let’s take a look at this.

Problems that may be related to smartphone syndrome

1. Facial Problems

facial problems

One of the first body parts to be affected by the constant use of a smartphone is the eyes . This is because the light emitted from these devices can potentially cause your eyesight to deteriorate.

This can be exacerbated by the fact that, unlike other electronic devices, people tend to hold their smartphones closer to their eyes. This allows the light to have an even stronger influence.

Looking at the screen of their cell phone non-stop for 72 hours in a row could potentially destroy 93% of the retina’s light-sensitive cells. Experts generally agree that this damage is irreversible, making the problem even more serious.

Nowadays you can therefore buy filters for the screen of your mobile phone. The idea is to help block the harmful rays of light.

2. Muscle Pain

When you use your smartphone for several hours in a row without taking a break in between, you can suffer from muscle pain in parts of the body, such as the back and neck.

Not knowing how to maintain your cell phone use and regularly falling asleep with your phone still in your hands can potentially increase your chances of experiencing pain and tension in these parts of your body.

Physiotherapists who have studied this behavior indicate that the posture people generally assume when looking at their phone is not the best . They recommend sitting at the table and using both hands to operate the device while it is on the table.

Using only your thumb or just another finger to control these types of devices can increase your chances of developing tendonitis.

3. Psychological Disorders


When people feel that they can’t stand not looking at the phone for a few hours, they may be experiencing regular bouts of certain psychological disorders.

The dependence these devices create can potentially increase feelings of depression, anxiety, stress, and other negative emotional states that can affect a person’s private, social, and professional life.

One of the most influential factors is the ability to see what others are doing in their lives. This can cause a lot of worry, fear and jealousy in the case of couples and friends.

In addition, we must not forget that these devices can cause many people to become socially isolated. They also often replace real relationships with virtual ones.

4. Addiction

Smartphone Addiction

It is important to point out how addictive these devices can be. In fact, many people have sought help in the form of psychological therapy. This in an effort to get rid of their smartphone addiction.

The fear that this habit can cause has been compared to the fear that drug addicts feel. Some people have even admitted to feeling an emotional void when they haven’t had their phone in their hands in a while.

Connecting to the Internet, instant messaging and access to their social networking page top the list of things people say they need most. In fact, this situation is so serious that rehabilitation centers have been opened in some countries for people who cannot live without their smartphones.

Are you trying to control your phone use? You now know all the negative consequences that may be associated with smartphone syndrome. Therefore, take the necessary measures to limit the time you spend on your phone every day.

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