10-minute Routine For Toned Buttocks

Squats help shape your legs and butt by burning fat. You will follow a 30-day routine, gradually increasing the number of reps.
10-minute routine for tighter buttocks

Many men and women want to have tighter buttocks. The problem is that there are not always many exercises available to address this area. In today’s article, you’ll learn about a few different options for 10-minute routines that will tone your bum and prepare you for summer time and the beach.

The challenge: a month of squats for a toned butt

explanation squats

If you want to have a toned butt , squats should be part of every routine. Please read the instructions below carefully to perform them correctly:

  • Stand up straight and then place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Always make sure your back is straight and then move your butt toward the floor, bending your knees at the same time.
  • Then hold this position for a few seconds without leaning your torso forward.
  • Then return to the standing position.
  • This is considered a simple squat. At a later stage, you can make them more complex by using weights or jumping instead of keeping your feet flat on the floor (but you’re not ready for that, so take it easy).

This month of squats will help you achieve the glutes you’ve always dreamed of. When you look in the mirror, you will admire your new figure and you will have more doubts about wearing a bikini, shorts or a mini skirt.

It doesn’t matter where you go: the beach, a pond or walking through the city.

This 30-day routine consists of daily squat exercises with a total of seven days of rest and a progressive increase in the number of repetitions. Write down the schedule below and be very strict.

30-day routine

  •    1:50 squats
  •    2: 55 squats
  •    3: 60 squats
  •    4: Rest
  •    5: 70 squats
  •    6: 75 squats
  •    7: 80 squats
  •    8: Rest
  •    9: 100 squats
  •    10: 105 squats
  •    11: 110 squats
  •    12: Rest
  •    13: 130 squats
  •    14: 135 squats
  •    15: 140 squats
  •    16: Rest
  •    17: 150 squats
  •    18: 155 squats
  •    19: 160 squats
  •    20: Rest
  •    21: 180 squats
  •    22: 185 squats
  •    23: 190 squats
  •    24: Rest
  •    25: 220 squats
  •    26: 225 squats
  •    27: 230 squats
  •    28: Rest
  •    29: 240 squats
  •    30: 250 squats

If you’re too tired to do all the squats at once, especially if you’re just starting out and not yet used to the exercise, you can do shorter sets. For example, on the first day, you could divide the 50 squats into five sets of 10 reps, resting 30 seconds between each set.

More exercises for tighter buttocks

Buttocks Training

Once you’ve completed the first month of training (and there’s still plenty of time for summer, so don’t worry), you can choose to build a more extensive routine by adding in extra exercises.

Write down the following exercises that you can add to your routine to tone and strengthen your buttocks.

Drop-out pass

For this exercise it is important that you remember the two primary rules. First, you should find your balance by always keeping your back straight and second, your knees should never go beyond an imaginary line at the end of your toes.

  • First start by standing up straight.
  • Then step forward with your right foot and bend your left knee until it is at a good angle to the floor.
  • Then return to your starting position and repeat with the other leg.
  • That’s one repetition.


woman doing the bridge
  • First lie on your back on a mat or the floor.
  • Then lift your pelvis toward the ceiling, contracting your glutes and abs.
  • The soles of your feet should remain flat on the floor and your arms should rest on the floor beside you.

hip extension 

This position is the reverse of the previous exercise.

  • Support yourself with your forearms, knees and toes on a mat or the floor with your face toward the floor.
  • Then lift your right leg behind you and kick lightly toward the ceiling.
  • Then return this leg to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.

Jumping jackets 

Take a look at this super effective exercise for toned buttocks.

  • First, start in the standing position with your arms at your sides.
  • Then jump and spread your legs as far as possible.
  • Then raise your hands above your head at the same time and clap.
  • Then return to the starting position and repeat.

10 minute routine

An example 10-minute routine to tighten your buttocks might be as follows:

  • Start by jumping rope for five minutes to warm up your body while also giving your legs and thighs a little burn. After that, try increasing your speed and intensity every minute.
  • Then you do some squats (yes, again), but this time you do four sets of 15 reps.
  • The third exercise you do is the lunge : four sets of 15 reps. Once you get better at this, you can hold weights in your hands to make the exercise harder.
  • Then support yourself with your hands and knees as you raise your legs behind you and bring them back. Do four sets of 15 reps.
  • Finally, you will end this routine with bridges : four sets of 15 reps. You can make this exercise more challenging by placing a weight on your stomach, for example. 

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