3 Great Infusions For Digestion

Combine chamomile with mint for an excellent medicinal infusion and to take advantage of the properties of both herbs. The first prevents inflammation of the stomach, while the second neutralizes acidity.
3 Great Digestive Infusions

After a big meal that is rich in fats and proteins, there is nothing better than an herbal tea to help the stomach with digestion. You have several options to choose from. This article will tell you about some of the most effective infusions for counteracting the heaviness after meals.

3 Great Digestive Infusions

ginger tea

Ginger is known for its gastronomic uses. However, the main active ingredients are gingerol and shogaol and these can be used in various ways in the field of natural medicine.

The same ingredients affect the stomach and provide the following effects:

  • stimulates the secretion of the pancreas and gallbladder
  • promote digestion
  • reduces the feeling of “heaviness” in the stomach
  • prevents dyspepsia
  • avoiding abdominal swelling and gas
  • helps prevent nausea and vomiting

That is why drinking ginger tea after dinner is perfect for good digestion.

Here’s a recipe for making a delicious ginger, chamomile and lemon infusion:

  • Boil half of a sliced ​​lemon in 1 liter of water.
  • After a few minutes, remove from the heat and add peeled ginger pieces (however you like) and a few chamomile tea bags.
  • Let stand for a few minutes, strain and season with honey or stevia.


Chamomile tea with chamomile flowers

Chamomile is an herb known for its medicinal properties. In addition to producing a calming effect, chamomile tea after lunch or dinner will help you feel lighter.

Chamomile contains active ingredients that:

  • prevent stomach and intestinal inflammation
  • help with flatulence
  • prevent the feeling of heaviness in the stomach

Here is a good option of an infusion with chamomile and mint, which is an excellent combination of herbs that are good for digestion:

  • Boil a little water.
  • Once the water starts to boil, take it off the heat and put a handful of chamomile and mint in a cup.
  • Pour the water into the cup and let it sit for five minutes.
  • Strain and sweeten to taste.

Boldo and its properties

Boldo tea has a unique taste and is one of the most popular teas for improving digestion. This drink stimulates liver function and gallbladder secretion, making it easier to digest fatty foods.

To enhance this effect, you can combine boldo tea with mint, chamomile or tarragon.

Here is a recipe for preparing a delicious boldo infusion:

  • Boil a little water.
  • Take it off the heat as soon as it starts to boil and add a few boldo leaves. If you like, you can also add a few mint leaves along with tarragon or chamomile.
  • Let it steep for a few minutes, strain, sweeten (to taste) and serve.

So now you have several options to enjoy a delicious dinner. These infusions aid digestion, leaving you feeling much lighter after a heavy meal. Now let’s enjoy a cup!

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