Natural Potions For Mental Fatigue

Oats and bananas both provide our bodies with energy. In addition, our body converts the tryptophan present in bananas into serotonin, which will make us feel better.
Natural drinks against mental fatigue

Mental fatigue: some times it bothers you more than others. Heavy workload, difficult personal responsibilities, stressful periods or heavy exhaustion can make us completely mentally fatigued. But what if you include the following natural drinks in your diet?

Try them out and find out. You will love it!

1. Smoothie with oatmeal, banana and honey

What do you need?

  • 1 ripe banana
  • Oatmeal
  • Greek yoghurt
  • Skim milk
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • ground cinnamon

How do you make this smoothie to combat mental fatigue?

Making a smoothie with oatmeal and bananas is very easy and works great in combating mental fatigue.

  • Start by soaking the oatmeal in a bowl of water until soft.
  • Then pour this through the sieve, so that you are left with only the oatmeal.
  • Cut the ripe banana into pieces and put it together with the oatmeal in the blender.
  • Then add the skimmed milk and yogurt.

As you may already know, Greek yogurt is the healthiest yogurt you can buy, as it strengthens your immune system and encourages the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut.

  • Blend all ingredients well and then add the honey.
  • Finally, sprinkle the cinnamon on top.
  • It is best to drink this smoothie cold.

The smoothie is refreshing and hydrating and the combination of banana, oatmeal and honey will give your body a lot of energy. This drink contains enough minerals that will wake up your mind and make you less tired.

2. Carrot, beet and apple juice

beet juice

What do you need?

  • 1 medium beetroot
  • A green apple
  • 1 carrot
  • Half a cucumber
  • 1 cup of water

How do you make this juice?

This juice is truly delicious – we are sure you will love it and  the benefits this juice provides for reducing mental fatigue will be obvious. So, what should you do?

  • It is wise to make sure that you always have green apples in the house. Green apples are great for weight loss, burning fat and controlling your cholesterol.
  • Combined with beets and carrots, this becomes a powerful juice, rich in vitamins and minerals and revitalizing.
  • You can also drink this juice as a natural tonic. The drink helps the body eliminate toxins in the kidneys and liver.

But the combination of vitamins and minerals is also ideal for combating fatigue – something we all suffer from in today’s stressful world.

  • First wash all fruits and vegetables, cut them into pieces and mix them together in the blender.
  • Add the cucumber as it will help you stay hydrated.
  • When all the ingredients together form a smooth mixture, you can drink this juice cold or at room temperature.
  • You will immediately feel better.

3. Almond, melon and grape smoothie

Smoothie with Melon

What do you need?

  • 2 slices of melon, seasonal
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 10 seedless grapes

Drinking this smoothie is an excellent habit to start your morning with. If you wake up with a mild headache, feel sleepy, or are not looking forward to the rest of the day, you will certainly benefit from this simple remedy.

It is useful to have some almond milk at home for this recipe. You can buy almond milk from the supermarket, but if you prefer your own recipe, that’s even better.

Almonds are one of the healthiest foods out there and in this case we mainly use the nut for its magnesium content. Magnesium is a good nutrient for combating fatigue, headaches, joint pain, etc…

How do you make this smoothie?

  • You need two slices of melon. Go for a melon that is in season and  make sure it is fresh. Therefore, do not buy ready-made melon juice in the store. When making these juices, all nutrients are often lost. So always go for fresh melons or juices.
  • Cut the melon into pieces and put it in the blender.
  • Then add the ten grapes and the almond milk. Make sure you remove the skins from the grapes and that there are no seeds in them so that the drink becomes as smooth as possible. Grape skin does have great properties though.
  • Blend the ingredients together until a homogeneous liquid is formed, then chill the drink in the refrigerator before drinking.

This smoothie will give you strength, is ideal for relieving mental fatigue and delicious too. Can’t miss it.

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