Avoid Bloating With These Five Tips

To avoid a bloated stomach, it is important to take enough time while eating. Eat slowly and chew each bite sufficiently to stimulate digestion and prevent the build-up of air in the stomach.
Avoid a bloated stomach with these five tips

Do you often suffer from an annoying bloated stomach? This can be caused by a build-up of air or a slow accumulation of fat around the waist. This uncomfortable phenomenon is more common in women than men. In this article we will list the most common causes of abdominal distention.

Do you also notice that your stomach is nice and flat when you get up, you look in the mirror and your figure is okay, but that as the hours go by your stomach starts to swell up until even your clothes are no longer comfortable? Have you checked what causes this bloated stomach in you?

It is quite possible that little by little air builds up in the digestive system due to bad eating habits or from eating certain foods that you don’t tolerate.

These foods can have an irritating effect on the stomach. To counteract this bloated feeling, it is important to know what causes it. This allows you to incorporate the right healthy habits into your daily routine.

food intolerance

First check whether you may have intolerance to certain foods. After all, they not only cause a bloated stomach, but can also be the cause of many other health problems in the long term.

If you don’t have a known food allergy or intolerance, write down what you ate before your stomach starts to swell. For example, there may be an unknown reaction to wheat from a gluten intolerance that causes digestive problems, such as a build-up of air in the stomach. An identical reaction occurs in people who suffer from lactose intolerance.

What is the solution? Consult a nutritionist and have a tolerance test performed. This way you will find out if you have an intolerance or allergy to certain foods. If the results are positive, it is important to adjust your dietary habits and eliminate these foods from your diet.

Processed or pre-prepared foods

Processed foods

Processed foods contain too high a dose of sodium and other substances that do not contribute positively to our stomach and the body in general. Too much sodium in the diet is the main cause of fluid retention in the body and a bloated stomach.

Also remember that many products labeled “light” or “zero” are often high in sodium and other substances. They are often not as healthy as they seem.

How can you avoid these products? Opt for simple, natural and homemade foods and drinks. Enjoy tasty and healthy dishes with vegetables, fruits and whole grains that contain much less sodium or are completely sodium-free.

Eating too fast

Surely you’ve read it before that it’s important to eat in moderation and take enough time to enjoy every meal. By quickly consuming a bite, we often swallow air unnoticed, causing the stomach to swell.  As a result, we get this uncomfortable, bloated feeling.

How do we solve this? It is better to spread five small meals throughout the day than to include three large meals. Take your time and pay attention to each meal by chewing enough and enjoying each dish.

This gives the digestive system enough time to process the food. Subsequently, the chance that air will build up in the stomach is a lot smaller.

Drinking too many carbonated drinks

A glass of Coke

Lemonade, cola and other fizzy drinks can taste great and quench your thirst on a hot summer day or after a hard workout or hard day at work. Unfortunately, it’s not always the best choice if you want to keep your body in good shape and avoid that heavy, bloated feeling in the stomach. These drinks do not contain any health-promoting nutrients.

They can also cause irritations in the stomach and digestive tract . Unfortunately, the gas that creates the bubbles in the drink also causes air to build up in the stomach. In addition, the artificial sweeteners cause irritation and a bloated stomach.

What is the solution? Avoid drinking cola, lemonade and other carbonated drinks. Opt for water, natural fruit juices or delicious herbal infusions on a hot summer day or after a hard job.

Eating just before going to bed

A mistake many people make is not planning the sacrament correctly. The last meal of the day is preferably eaten two to three hours before going to bed. Enjoy a light and simple meal that is easy to digest.

Eating before going to sleep is a bad habit that causes weight gain and can lead to infections in the body. It interferes with the smooth functioning of the digestive system, which can lead to constipation and an upset stomach.

The solution? Eat no later than two hours before bedtime and choose natural, healthy dishes that are easy to digest. A serving of yogurt and fruit is also a good option if you don’t have the time or the ability to serve a healthy dish.

After all, the most important meal of the day is breakfast. So preferably go for a hearty breakfast, a varied lunch prepared by yourself and a light dinner at the end of the day when your body needs less energy.


Do you like to keep that flat stomach? Then see which bad food habits are causing your stomach bloating. Remove them from the menu from tomorrow and go for the healthy tips that ensure that you are no longer bothered by that annoying bloated stomach.

In addition, get plenty of exercise, drink eight glasses of water a day and you will find that these healthy lifestyle rules will undoubtedly help you regain your toned figure!

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