5 Tricks To Beautify Your Face At Home

Rosemary promotes circulation and shapes and strengthens the skin, giving it vitality. We can apply this treatment in the morning and evening.
5 tricks to make your face more beautiful at home

A young, glowing shade. Thick, long and full lashes. Voluminous lips. Big, bright eyes. And glowing skin… In this article we will explain which simple and natural remedies can help you achieve this. The great thing is that you can make them at home. All you need is a little patience and persistence. Try the tricks to beautify your face at home!

4 tips to make your face more beautiful at home

young skin

To beautify your face at home and give your skin a rejuvenated, rosy and glowing appearance, try this medicinal herb, which has been used in various beauty remedies for decades: rosemary. 

According to an article in the Indian Journal of Experimental Biology , this herb promotes circulation and therefore shapes and strengthens the face and gives it vitality.

And how do we apply it?

  • We can buy the essential oil of rosemary from a grocer or health store (beware that it is not an artificial aromatic essence, but really the oil of the plant). Add 15 drops to 50 ml of water. Shake it before use and apply it to the face with a spray or a cotton ball.
  • Another option is to pick fresh rosemary and soak it in apple cider vinegar for 15 days. Be careful to submerge it completely. Then drain the mixture, add the same amount of water and then you can use it.
  • Finally, a third alternative is to make an infusion with fresh or dried rosemary. You can use this infusion for a maximum of one week. Keep it in the fridge.

Apply the rosemary water twice a day. Once in the morning and again before going to bed. Always apply it before applying any other cream and let the skin absorb it completely.


Thick and long eyelashes

Thick, long eyelashes completely change the look of your eyes. They look more feminine and attractive and they also make your eyes pop without having to use makeup.

The beauty remedy that our grandmothers used to strengthen their eyelashes is based on castor oil. This is a thick and nourishing oil that we should apply to our lashes every night before going to sleep.

The most practical way to do that is to use an old mascara brush or other small eyelash brush. Don’t use too much so you don’t get it in your eyes and irritate them.

Voluminous lips

Many women have surgery to give their lips more volume and many do not know that there are beauty tricks to give your lips a fuller and beautiful appearance.

Besides that you should always moisturize your lips, we will explain how to massage them to give them more volume and color in a few minutes.

How do we do it?

  • Apply a little vegetable oil to the lips.
  • Cover your entire mouth with one hand and move it horizontally to the outside. In this way you not only massage the lips, but also the area around it. This area often has tension and it is where wrinkles usually appear.
  • Then do the same with the other hand, massaging in the other direction.
  • Repeat ten times with each hand.
Full lips

Big eyes

Facial tension and problems can, among other things, cause you to squint, causing wrinkles. To avoid this, in addition to an eye test to make sure you’re wearing the correct glasses or contact lenses, you should perform an eye exercise to relax the muscles around them.

First, rub your hands together to warm them up, then place them over your closed eyes, resting the palms of your hands for a few minutes. You will notice how the eyes relax and even the skin around your eyes. This is where the first wrinkles on the face often appear.

In addition, we can also pinch the eyes shut several times a day to avoid the accumulation of more tension in this area.


Hydrated skin

The last tip to beautify your face at home is to always keep your skin hydrated. This is best done using vegetable oils that are suitable for your skin:

  • Rosehip oil or olive oil for dry skin.
  • Jojoba oil for combination skin.
  • Coconut oil mixed with aloe vera for oily skin.

We can also get into the habit of using the peels of fruits and vegetables to rub our faces. We mainly recommend using apples, cucumbers, zucchini or avocados to beautify your face at home.

Images courtesy of net-efekt, TMBlue and neuroticcamel

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