Can The Moon Affect Your Life?

Have you ever wondered if the moon can affect your life? Have you ever noticed that the lunar cycle changes your personality?
Can the moon affect your life?

It is said that the Earth’s natural satellite affects you not only physically, but also emotionally during your childhood and throughout your life. Learn more about this in this article.

The moon is more than just the satellite of our planet. She is a great mystery for several reasons. She is there throughout our lives and you should know something about it to reap the benefits of the moon.

A study conducted by Basel University in Switzerland showed that the moon has a major influence on the perception of sleep, as it can be subjective or objective depending on the lunar cycle.

Therefore, the brain activity related to deep sleep is reduced by 30% on the days when we are closest to the moon. It takes longer to fall asleep and you sleep less.

Different changes depending on the lunar cycle

a half moon

Depending on the position of the moon, it can affect us in different ways:

New Moon

This happens when the satellite is aligned with the sun and begins a new cycle. This is the best time to set new goals. This applies not only to future projects, but also to quitting smoking, starting a new diet, detoxing from alcohol etc.

In the psychological sense, the mind has more self-control and is more serene to overcome deficiencies through habit changes and eliminate excess more easily. It also helps to meditate, detoxify the body, trim trees or diseased plants, or cut your hair if you want to grow it quickly.

It is not good for hair removal as the hair will grow faster. The new moon is also excellent for discovering hidden parts of your consciousness. This phase does not last longer than 2 to 3 days.

Young crescent moon

When the moon gets brighter, your body will also start to “absorb” everything faster and more. In this phase, the body processes each substance or event differently. Therefore, it is excellent to start a vitamin diet now. Beware, as it’s also a risky time to gain weight (unless that’s your goal).

The young crescent moon is good for repairing deficits, as it is true that if you eat anything, your body will struggle to go back to normal.

Therefore, we do not recommend drinking alcohol during this time, as the effects can be even more harmful. If you want your hair and nails to grow more, now is the time to trim them. Applying ointments, gels and creams that restore the hair is now also excellent, because the skin absorbs even more. Detoxing can be more difficult and persistent.

This phase lasts about 13 days. We recommend doing activities that are revitalizing and strengthening. With regard to the economy, it is said that it is a good time to apply for a loan, look for a job, sell or invest.

It is also excellent for creating contracts, partnerships or associations. It is not good to trim fruit trees.

Full moon

This happens when the moon is opposite the sun and is fully illuminated. Body tissues are under great pressure and this can also lead to less strong feelings. This means that the instinctive part of man “wakes up” (which is why, according to popular beliefs, the werewolf appears during the full moon). The body retains more moisture and swells up more easily.

You have to be careful what you eat or drink. Sensations, emotions and feelings will penetrate “deep in the skin” and psychosomatic problems, sleep changes, insomnia, nightmares or more colorful, real and intense dreams can all take place.

We do not recommend starting weight loss diets during the full moon phase. Beware of the side effects of drugs. Avoid headaches, which can be intense and keep your sense of humor (don’t take everything seriously or start discussions). It takes a few hours and you can really notice the effects.

For example, your injuries will bleed more and so will menstruation in women. A planned surgery can be dangerous. It is normal for people to be more aggressive. It is believed that everything will be successful 6 hours before and 6 hours after. Births are on the rise and so are nervous disorders. People with short hair can cut it during this phase.

waxing moon

The body will “dump” anything it doesn’t need, making it an ideal time to release accumulated energy from the previous phases. You can more easily eliminate fats, liquids and toxic substances. Now is a good time to start a detox or cleanse to reduce swelling and irritation.

We recommend doing activities that require strength and resistance, drinking more water to get rid of all the bad, starting dieting, clipping your hair and nails, removing warts, eliminating dark spots and treating scars. Dental treatments and surgeries are more successful.

It is also the time to plant and trim fruit trees, vegetables and tubers. With regard to your emotions, this is a good time to end relationships or marriages.

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