7 Makeup Myths That Are True

Some makeup myths sound like the makeup industry made them up. The claims in this article are indeed true. Remember them if you want to maintain healthy skin.
7 makeup myths that are true

Beauty tips are everywhere. Many are passed on from generation to generation. Some of these are 100% myth, but others are 100% true. As crazy as they may sound. We give you some makeup myths that are true, with an explanation why. Remember them, as your health and appearance may depend on them.

7 makeup myths and their truths

1. Replace your mascara every 3 months

Replace your mascara on time

You know those makeup myths that sound like they were created purely to make you buy more makeup? It sounds like this is one of those, but it really is: after 3 months of use you should throw away your mascara.

Mascara is liquid , which makes it a perfect home for bacteria. If you remove the brush from the tube every day, you invite bacteria to settle in the tube. After 3 months, mascara can give you an eye infection.

Do you have red, irritated or burning eyes?

  • Then try to remember when you started using your current mascara.
  • Keep in mind that storing makeup in an unsanitary or polluted environment will not improve its durability.

2. The use of a toner is necessary for every skin type

There is a grain of truth in this myth. It originated from the fact that facial toners were originally created to combat oily skin and acne. That’s why some people now think they don’t need to use toner if they don’t have oily skin.

However, toners are for all skin types and all kinds of conditions. You just have to choose the right one:

  • Do you want to exfoliate your skin or is your skin oily? Then use ingredients such as salicylic acid, glycolic acid or lactic acid.
  • Is your skin irritated? Then use a toner with chamomile, cucumber or vitamin E.
  • Do you want to add extra moisture? Then try a toner with glycerine, hyaluronan and rose water.
  • Do you suffer from age spots? A toner with vitamin C can come in handy here.

3. Toothpaste Can Help Clear Pimples

Get rid of pimples with toothpaste

Of all the makeup myths, this one sounds the most untrue, doesn’t it? In reality, toothpaste contains hydrogen peroxide and triclosan. These substances are perfect for drying out pimples.

Toothpaste is also antibacterial. This can help prevent severe breakouts. Well, that said, there’s nothing in toothpaste that’s more effective than more common treatments.

Even though it has a drying effect, toothpaste can irritate sensitive skin and make it red and flaky.
Do you have these symptoms? Then change your toothpaste or use a different product.

4. Red nail polish makes your nails turn yellow

This makeup myth is also true. Nails absorb the pigment from nail polish.

  • The best way to prevent discoloration is to apply a clear base coat first. This coating will absorb the excess pigment and thus protect your nails.
  • Forgot to apply a base coat? Then remove your red nail polish as soon as possible.

5. Going to bed with makeup on causes blackheads

Take your makeup off before going to sleep

This myth seems to be a marketing ploy to sell makeup removers. It’s still true. At night, your skin repairs itself. Dead skin cells are shed so that new ones can replace them.

When your skin is covered with makeup, your pores get blocked and the regeneration process is hindered. So, are you too tired to completely remove your makeup before bed? Then at least try to remove most of it with a cotton ball and some warm water.

6. Waxing makes hair grow back less quickly

Waxing is more effective than shaving because it targets the hair from the root. This means that it will take longer for them to become visible again. Okay, regular waxing doesn’t stop hair growth completely.

However, it can leave you hairless for a long time. This is because it repeatedly weakens the hair and damages the hair follicles. In the long run, this prevents hair from growing back quickly.

7. Over time, your skin gets used to skin care products

Your skin can get used to certain products

Some makeup myths are half truths. This is one of them. Depending on what ingredients are in it, your skin may become accustomed to your skin care products. Especially if they contain vitamin A.

This does not happen with other ingredients, such as:

  • antioxidants
  • moisturizing creams
  • peptides

Still, the results of certain beauty products can be stagnant. This is because they have reached the point where they can no longer make changes to your skin.

If this happens, you must choose another product to see progress again. Try out different active ingredients or ask your dermatologist for suggestions.

What do you think of these makeup myths? As you can see, some tips are really true and you should consider them. So, now that you know this, follow these tips and keep looking beautiful.

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