Tips And Home Remedies To Stop Snoring

Snoring can be very annoying for both the people who snore and the people next to it. Read this article to help you stop snoring.
Tips and home remedies to stop snoring

There are many people who snore and there are also many people who want to stop snoring. It is estimated that about 45% of adults snore at least once in a while.

When you snore, your tongue, palate and uvula vibrate against your tonsils. In some cases, you can say that snoring is a sign that you are overweight or obese. Snoring is also associated with:

  • common cold
  • allergies
  • drinking too much alcohol before bedtime
  • to smoke

Whatever the cause, snoring can be very annoying for the people who have to lie next to it and who have to endure it. In addition , some people who snore suffer from poor sleep quality because they wake themselves up several times a night.

While it is difficult to stop snoring the moment it occurs, there are several natural ways to alleviate this problem. If you’ve found that you snore regularly, it’s a good idea to see your doctor to rule out possible respiratory problems.

Tips to stop snoring

Snoring Partner

Sleep on your side

When you sleep on your back, your tongue and palate sink back toward your throat, blocking the airways and causing you to snore.

If you are unable to lie on your side when you sleep, there are some tricks that can help you with this. Think of sleeping with a tennis ball attached to the back of your pajamas. If you turn on your back during sleep, the tennis ball will cause discomfort, causing you to roll back onto your side.

Use extra pillows

Try sleeping with several pillows so that your head is higher than the rest of your body. This ensures that your airways remain open. This can prevent you from snoring.

lose weight

If you are overweight or obese, it is extremely important to consider all weight loss options if you really want to stop snoring. Being overweight causes a lot of health problems. It is one of the main causes of snoring.

Stop smoking

Smoking irritates and inflames the upper airways, making you snore harder. Avoiding cigarettes is a good idea if you want to stop snoring. It’s also a good idea if you want to improve the overall quality of your life.

Avoid alcohol before going to bed

Drinking alcohol less than three hours before bedtime will make your tongue, tonsils and palate more relaxed. This can cause a noisy vibration every time you inhale while sleeping.

Effective anti-snoring remedies

parsley tea

Gargle with mint

When snoring is caused by a cold or allergy, gargling with mint before going to bed can help. To do this, add a drop of peppermint oil to a glass of cold water and take a sip to gargle – don’t swallow. Another option is gargling with mint tea.

nettle tea

When snoring is caused by an allergy or other respiratory problems, it is important to ventilate your bedroom well and to remove all forms of dust or dirt. Also drink a cup of nettle tea.

Simply add a teaspoon of dried nettle leaves to some boiling water. Cover the water and let the leaves steep for five minutes. Nettle is considered a natural antihistamine.


A classic way to combat snoring is to cut an onion in half, sprinkle a little salt over it, and then place the onion near your headboard. There’s no scientific proof, but why don’t you give it a try?

Salt and baking soda

If you have problems with snoring, this remedy can help relieve a stuffy nose and blocked airways.

Simply mix a cup of room temperature water with half a teaspoon of salt and a pinch of baking soda. Rinse the nostrils by spraying a little of this mixture into the nose. Do this right before going to sleep.

Olive oil and roux

To make this natural remedy do:

  • 50 grams of roux in a jar.
  • Then cover the roux with olive oil.
  • Cover the jar and store it in a cool, dark place for two weeks.
  • After two weeks, apply a little of this mixture to the bridge of your nose, neck and throat every night before going to bed.


In addition to weight loss, which is one of the ways to combat snoring, daily singing and exercise can also be a good way to alleviate this annoying problem. Start by exercising for at least thirty minutes a day. You will soon notice a difference.

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