How To Cure Tonsillitis Naturally

Thanks to its antimicrobial properties, honey helps reduce sore throats and relieve that annoying dry feeling.
How to cure tonsillitis naturally

Tonsillitis occurs when a virus or bacteria gets into the throat.

In today’s article, we share a few natural tips to soothe tonsillitis  so that you no longer suffer from it and can even prevent the problem in the future.

What you need to know about tonsillitis

Almonds are there to protect your body from bacteria  that you are exposed to from the food you eat or the air you breathe, as well as any other organism that ends up in your mouth.

However, if you are exposed to certain microorganisms or practice poor hygiene,  your tonsils can become inflamed and produce pus to fight the infection. In this case we speak of tonsillitis. Children are most vulnerable to this problem, although it can affect anyone, regardless of age.

These are some of the symptoms:

  • Difficulty swallowing
  • A sore throat
  • High fever
  • Difficulty breathing
  • pus in the throat
  • Earache
  • Loss of voice
  • Dry mouth
  • swollen glands
  • jaw pain
  • Headache
  • General malaise

Remedies and Treatments for Tonsillitis

Woman who suffers from tonsillitis

If you suffer from a severe sore throat due to the swelling of the tonsils, don’t worry. You can reduce your symptoms and relieve the swollen tonsils with the following natural remedies:

Thyme, honey and lemon

For this treatment you make tea.


  • One tablespoon of dried thyme (15 grams)
  • One cup of water (250 ml)
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • One tablespoon of honey (25 grams)


  • Bring the water to a boil and then cook the thyme for five minutes.
  • Then let the tea steep for another five minutes before straining it.
  • Finally, add the lemon juice and honey and drink this tea lukewarm.

Baking soda and lemon

Baking soda to cure tonsillitis

You can remove the pus stuck to your tonsils and also reduce the pain with baking soda.


  • One tablespoon of baking soda (15 grams)
  • The juice of one lemon


Mix both ingredients together. Then gargle  with this mixture three to five times a day.

Figs and honey

This is a great remedy to use for sore throats, in addition  , this syrup helps especially well with tonsillitis.


  • three figs
  • Two tablespoons of honey (50 grams)
  • A little water


  • Peel the figs and chop them finely. Then heat them in a little water. Then add the honey and stir the mixture well with a wooden spoon.
  • When it’s well mixed, pour it into a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. You can keep this mixture in the fridge for two weeks.
  • Take one tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach, then another in the afternoon, and finally one more before going to bed. Do this every day for a week.

Milk and clay

Milk to cure tonsillitis

You use this home remedy for tonsillitis  on your skin as a mask.


  • 60 ml milk
  • Three tablespoons of clay


  • Heat the milk and mix in the clay until a smooth paste is formed.
  • Soak a cloth in this mixture and then apply it to the neck before it cools.
  • Place a towel or blanket on top of the compress to keep it warm for longer.
  • Then remove the compress when the wet cloth has cooled down. Repeat this treatment every night before going to bed.

Rosemary, white wine and honey

This recipe  fights the viruses  that affect the tonsils.


  • Three tablespoons of dried rosemary (45 grams)
  • One cup of white wine (200 ml)
  • One tablespoon of honey (25 grams)


  • To start, heat the wine and rosemary.
  • Remove the pan from the heat when it starts to boil, then let the mixture stand with the lid on for a few more minutes.
  • Then pour it through the sieve and add the honey.
  • Finally, gargle with this drink three times a day.

Water, salt and lemon

Lemon water to cure tonsillitis

The antiseptic action of lemon is  perfect for clearing pus from the throat.


  • The juice of half a lemon
  • One tablespoon of salt (15 grams)
  • 125ml warm water


Mix all the ingredients together and then use this mixture to gargle. It is best to use it when it is warm.

Sage and soapwort to soothe tonsil inflammation

This herbal mixture is good for relieving all kinds of pain. However, especially the two herbs that we mention here have a good effect to relieve sore throat.


  • One tablespoon of sage (15 grams)
  • Half a tablespoon of soapwort (7.5 grams)
  • One cup of water (240 ml)
  • One tablespoon of honey (25 grams)


  • Bring the water to a boil, then add the sage and soapwort. Then let it simmer for five minutes.
  • Let the herbs steep for another ten minutes. Then pour the mixture through the sieve and sweeten it with honey. Finally, drink the mixture as warm as possible.

Radish, pineapple and garlic

Garlic to cure tonsillitis

How about a smoothie to treat tonsillitis? You can drink this smoothie in the morning on an empty stomach, as often as you like, to treat the inflammation.


  • One ripe radish
  • Three pieces of pineapple
  • Two cloves of garlic
  • A little water


  • Finely chop the radish and then put the pieces in a blender along with the other ingredients.
  • Then mix the ingredients well until you have a homogeneous mixture. Finally, drink the smoothie straight away.

Chamomile and sage to relieve tonsillitis

Of course we have to show a recipe that combines two plants with great medicinal properties!


  • One teaspoon of chamomile (5 grams)
  • One teaspoon of sage (5 grams)
  • 250ml water


  • Bring the water to a boil and then add the chamomile and sage. Let everything cook together for five minutes.
  • Then remove the pan from the heat, put a lid on it and let it stand for another fifteen minutes.
  • Then pour the mixture through the sieve. Finally, gargle it every few hours while it’s warm.

Borage and honey to soothe tonsillitis

Honey to cure tonsillitis

This is a great remedy for sore throat relief, especially if the tonsils are inflamed.


  • A liter of water
  • 100 grams of borage
  • Two tablespoons of honey (50 grams)


  • Bring the water to a boil and then add the borage. Cook it until it is reduced by a third.
  • Then pour it through the sieve and add the honey.
  • Finally, gargle with this mixture every three hours.

A multi-vitamin smoothie for tonsillitis

This drink will give your throat relief. In fact, it is a natural antibiotic that will help fight all types of colds and congestion.


  • Half a liter of orange juice
  • Four guavas
  • Four cloves of garlic
  • One slice of onion
  • Two tablespoons of honey (50 grams)


  • Squeeze the orange juice and then finely chop the guavas and garlic.
  • Then put all ingredients in the blender and blend until smooth.
  • Finally, drink this drink right away. 

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