Six Properties Of Locust Bean Gum

Locust bean gum helps to lower cholesterol levels, among other health benefits. It is also low in fat, which is why it is very useful for weight management. Read on to learn all about it!
Six properties of locust bean gum

Do you already know the interesting properties of locust bean gum? Locust bean gum is a type of flour obtained from a legume of the carob tree. Carob is very nutritious and healthy. In addition, it is used as a cocoa substitute in multiple recipes such as cakes, cookies or drinks.

What is carob?

Carob, or Ceratonia siliqua, is a flowering evergreen. It is a tree native to the Mediterranean region and belongs to the Fabaceae family. This family is of great economic importance because it includes legumes, which are important for our food supply.

Carob is a pod about 4 to 8 inches long. Locust bean gum is made by grinding germinating pods. This flour is used as a thickening agent, for example in babies with reflux complaints, but also in the food industry.

When ripe in late summer, it turns brown and has a sweet taste. To make carob, you need to pick the ripe pods and then let them dry. Then the seeds are roasted and ground to obtain a fine powder. You can use this powder to cook or add to smoothies, yogurt or other dishes.

The nutritional composition of locust bean gum

Locust bean gum is white to yellowish white and almost odorless. It is rich in carbohydrates and contains about 40-50% sugar, mainly sucrose, glucose, maltose and fructose. Despite the fact that the flour is rich in sugars, these are absorbed more slowly due to the fiber content.

It also contains a good percentage of protein. It is also low in fat and the fat it contains is a healthy variety, such as linoleic acid and oleic acid. In addition, locust bean gum also contains B vitamins, iron, calcium and potassium.

Carob is brown and has a naturally sweet and very distinct taste. Preparations made from carob combined with cinnamon, vanilla extract or lemon zest are both tasty and healthy and can be used to replace cocoa.

It also contains no tyramine. Cocoa, on the other hand, does contain this substance, which is linked to the onset of headaches and the exacerbation of migraines.

The health properties of locust bean gum

Locust bean gum contains very few fats. Also, many of the benefits associated with the consumption of locust bean gum are due to the presence of soluble fiber.

This type of fiber helps regulate bowel function and significantly reduces the absorption of cholesterol and saturated fat in the gut. This can lower the cholesterol level in the blood. It is also gluten-free, meaning it is suitable for those suffering from celiac disease and those with gluten intolerance.

The main benefits of locust bean gum

1. It helps with weight management

It helps with weight management

Using locust bean gum in recipes can help maintain a healthy and balanced weight. Locust bean gum contains practically no fats and is therefore low in calories. This helps to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

In addition, with flour from this legume is also very rich in soluble fiber, which stays in the stomach for a long time, prolonging the feeling of satiety and reducing appetite.

2. It is a good source of iron

Iron is an essential mineral for maintaining the proper functioning of the immune system. So is good physical and mental performance and normal red blood cell production.

To better absorb the iron in carob, as with other plant sources of iron, it is necessary to combine it with foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits.

3. It is rich in calcium

The calcium in locust bean gum is better absorbed than the calcium from other plant sources. This is because carob contains no oxalates, compounds that inhibit the absorption of this mineral in the gut.

4. It Lowers Blood Cholesterol

It lowers the cholesterol level in the blood

Due to its high fiber content, this flour can be a good ally for controlling high cholesterol. The soluble fibers contained in these legumes inhibit the absorption of fats in the intestines. As a result, these do not enter the blood and are removed from the body through the stool.

5. It has a prebiotic effect

The fiber in this plant helps to improve the intestinal flora. Although it is also used as an antidiarrheal agent, it has a laxative effect and facilitates good intestinal peristalsis.

It also promotes healing from infections and gastrointestinal problems. The dietary fibers in locust bean gum, just like linseed in the intestines, ensure the formation of gels (mucus), which promote bowel movements.

6. It’s a Great Source of Antioxidants

Locust bean gum contains polyphenols. These are antioxidants that help to reduce oxidative damage and keep the body’s cells healthy. Therefore, among other things, it helps to prevent the effects of premature aging.

Did you know all these properties of locust bean gum? Now that you know how good it is for your health, you can cook your favorite recipes with it!

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