Products That Are Bad For Facial Skin

While the toothpaste drying trick may be effective, it’s not a good idea to use it. Toothpaste can affect the pH level of your skin and cause permanent stains.
Products that are bad for facial skin

There are plenty of natural remedies on offer that could help make your  facial skin beautiful and radiant because they are effective and there are no risks of unwanted side effects.

The problem, however, is that some of these products are not suitable for the sensitive skin on your face at all; they can even be harmful.

It is important to inform yourself well and to know which products you should never use on your face, if you want to avoid having lasting memories of them.

To make sure you know which products you should and shouldn’t be applying to your skin, in this article we share the eight worst products that you should leave on the shelf.

Products that are bad for facial skin

1. Hairspray

One of the easiest tricks to make make-up last longer is to spray a layer of hairspray over it. Huge mistake!

Some of these products contain alcohol. Alcohol can damage the natural oil layer of your skin and make the skin dry and cause premature aging.

In addition, some hairsprays contain repellents that  can cause itching, redness and irritation on the sensitive skin on your face .

2. Butter

Butter in a bowl

Butter and margarine are often recommended as good alternatives to a moisturizing body lotion, thanks to the antioxidants and fatty ingredients that these products contain.

However, the problems arise when you use these products on your face. In this case, butter and margarine can clog pores and cause those pesky pimples and blackheads.

3. Alcohol

Rubbing alcohol is often one of the items in first aid kits because it is a powerful disinfectant. Ideal for treating small wounds and various skin problems.

When you use this alcohol on your face, it will probably feel refreshing and natural at first. However, after a few minutes, it can cause irritation, dryness and other problems.

Check that your skin care products do not contain high amounts of alcohol-based ingredients.

4. Antiperspirant


Antiperspirants are usually used under the armpits to make you sweat less. However, this does not mean that you can use these products on every part of your body.

Some people don’t take this advice to heart and use their antiperspirant on their face before applying their makeup to make sure their makeup isn’t ruined by sweat later in the day. Be careful though!

These products can clog pores and prevent skin cells from getting the oxygen they need to remove toxins.

5. Nail polish and nail polish remover

Some makeup artists, especially makeup artists who work on the sets of television shows and movies, suggest using nail polish or nail polish remover to achieve certain effects.

Of course, it’s not a good idea at all to do this. Some of these products contain acrylic, an ingredient that can dry out your skin and be difficult to remove later. Therefore, you should only use makeup that is suitable for facial skin.

6. Vinegar

White wine vinegar and apple cider vinegar are both products recommended by many makeup artists as natural facial toners that can help regulate the pH level of facial skin and maintain firmness.

However, it is important that you never use these products in their pure form. Pure vinegar contains acids that can literally burn the skin.

To take advantage of the beneficial properties of these products, mix one part vinegar with three parts water before applying it to your face.

7. Mayonnaise

Homemade mayonnaise

That delicious good old mayonnaise has some powerful moisturizing properties that can keep your hair shiny and beautiful.

However, it is not recommended to use mayonnaise on facial skin, as it contains acids that can clog pores and prevent your skin from breathing properly.

What is the consequence of this? Those stubborn blackheads and pimples that make your skin look dirty and unhealthy.

8. Toothpaste

One of the most popular tricks to fight pimples is to put a little bit of toothpaste on it.

This trick can be effective, as toothpaste will help the pimple to dry out faster. The problem, however, is that the other harsh chemicals most commercial toothpastes contain can cause cracks in the skin.

They can also cause the skin to dry out by affecting the pH level, leaving you with unattractive blemishes and permanent marks.

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