Try These 6 Home Remedies For Colitis

Did you know that carrots are one of the most effective remedies for colitis? The fibrous components and the anti-inflammatory action help to soothe pain and relieve a feeling of weakness. Learn more about this in this article!
Try these 6 home remedies for colitis

Colitis is a disease caused by inflammation in the colon and rectum. This part, the extreme part of the intestines, causes changes in the mucous membrane that covers the intestines. This creates a series of negative reactions, including intense pain and diarrhea.

Although colitis is usually sporadic and very subtle, many people still seek medical attention because the problem is chronic and recurring.

Data shows that at least 60% of all colitis patients are female. Most of them are under the age of 40. For the time being, it is not known what causes this annoying condition. Nevertheless, experts believe that it has to do with eating habits, genes or how some drugs work.

Fortunately, there are a number of natural remedies that do not cause unwanted side effects. These remedies can help ease symptoms before other complications develop.

So in this article we share the six best home remedies that can help you when you suffer from colitis.

6 home remedies for colitis

1. Plain yogurt


Yogurt is one of the best natural remedies for colitis. Yogurt makes the intestines stronger because it contains live cultures that can regulate the natural pH value of the intestines. 

This group of healthy bacteria helps to generate lactic acid, which is necessary to properly remove harmful toxins that live in this part of the body.

Thanks to these properties, yogurt also contributes positively to the immune system. This is because these bacteria counteract the infectious influences that enter the body.

What should you do?

  • Eat a cup of plain yogurt daily.
  • Add plain yogurt to healthy smoothies made from fresh fruits and vegetables.

Also read: Make your own yogurt, with all the benefits

2. Potato juice

The alkaline effect of potatoes is very effective in counteracting ulcerative colitis and diarrhea attacks.

In addition, potatoes are rich in starch and natural fibers that contribute to improving intestinal function. This helps to control irritations in the colon.

Potato juice helps to soothe abdominal pain and reduce the build-up of intestinal gas and acids.

How do you use potato juice?

  • Grate a raw potato and strain it through a colander. Collect the juice in a cup and drink it.
  • Drink this juice two to three times a day.

3. Rice water

rice water

Rice water contains no added herbs at all and is also a probiotic that can help to regulate the natural pH value of the intestines.

The starch it contains reduces irritations in the colon. By increasing the presence of healthy bacteria in the gut, it also helps to ease symptoms such as indigestion and gas.

In addition, thanks to its vitamin and mineral content, this drink is one of the best remedies to replace the nutrients that the body loses when you suffer from diarrhea.

How do you use rice water?

  • Boil two tablespoons of rice in a pan of water. When the water has come to a boil, remove the pan from the heat and let the rice soak for a while.
  • Once the water has cooled to a comfortable temperature, pour it through the strainer. Then drink one or two glasses a day.

4. Flaxseed Water

Flaxseed (also called flaxseed) contains natural fiber and is a great ingredient for intestinal remedies.

The nutrients contained in flaxseed, together with the fatty acids and antioxidants, help to inhibit inflammation and properly remove waste.


  • 1 tablespoon linseed
  • 1 cup of water

How do you use linseed water?

  • Add the tablespoon of flaxseed to a glass of water and let it soak overnight.
  • The next morning the water should have a gelatinous consistency. Pour this water through the sieve and drink it.
  • Drink a glass daily until your symptoms are gone.

5. Carrots


Carrots are rich in fiber and contain a lot of anti-inflammatory compounds. When carrots get into the gut, they can help control pain and irritation.

In addition, this vegetable has probiotic properties, meaning that carrots feed the bacteria that protect the colon.

The nutrients in carrots make the body less susceptible to chronic conditions such as diarrhea and vomiting.

How do you use carrots?

  • Use a juicer to make carrot juice.
  • You can also choose to boil the carrots in water without salt and then puree them when they are cooked.
  • In any case, consume carrots every day until your problem is gone.

6. Bananas

Bananas contain a type of fiber known as pectin. When pectin is absorbed through the gut, it helps to balance pH levels and soothe diarrhea and constipation.

In addition, the high magnesium and potassium content helps to balance the number of electrolytes in the body, which almost always helps to improve this condition and makes  the banana one of the best remedies for colitis.


  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 teaspoon honey


  • Mash the banana and mix it with the honey. Then eat this mixture.
  • You can also add banana to your smoothies or just eat banana pieces during the day.

Do you suffer from colitis? Choose which remedy appeals to you the most and say goodbye to this annoying problem for good!

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