4 Hair Masks With Cinnamon For Beautiful Locks

Thanks to the properties of cinnamon, it can help us to make our hair stronger and healthier, without having to use chemical products.
4 hair masks with cinnamon for beautiful locks

Because of its pleasant smell and taste, cinnamon is a spice that has been used for many different purposes since the Middle Ages. What is also very striking about cinnamon is the benefits it provides for your skin and hair. Using it to make hair masks can help highlight the beauty of your hair and give you those gorgeous locks. 

Using cinnamon hair masks is one of the best natural options you have for taking care of your hair.

What benefits does cinnamon provide for hair?

Cinnamon treatments provide:

  • stronger hair
  • Faster hair growth
  • Natural highlights
  • Faster recovery of damaged hair

Therefore, use hair masks with cinnamon and make the use of chemical products a thing of the past. These products are not necessary at all if you have natural resources such as cinnamon at your disposal.

4 hair masks with cinnamon for the beautiful locks

1. Cinnamon Oil

Beautiful locks with cinnamon oil

Cinnamon oil is one of the most beneficial products to restore the structure of your hair.

It is a natural product that makes the roots of your hair a lot stronger. Because of this, it can help prevent hair loss, which is also noticeable on the scalp.


  • 2 tablespoons cinnamon oil (30 g)

How to use cinnamon oil

  • Spread the indicated amount of oil over the tips of your index and middle fingers of both hands.
  • Then massage it into your scalp starting with the sides and then spread it all over your hair.
  • Do this process three times a week and you will soon notice that your hair is a lot stronger and less and less falling out.

2. Cinnamon Infusion

ground cinnamon

To get the beautiful locks and make your hair a little lighter, as you may have always wanted, cinnamon can be one of your best natural allies.

This spice has many beneficial properties, including its ability to lighten your hair. This is especially true for those with blond hair.


  • 3 cinnamon sticks
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)

How to use a cinnamon infusion

  • Make an infusion of cinnamon the night before by boiling three cinnamon sticks in two cups of water.
  • The next day, spread this infusion all over your hair and leave it on for half an hour.
  • Then rinse the infusion again with sufficient water. Do this twice a week until your hair is as light as you want it to be.

3. Cinnamon Water

Cinnamon water jars

Using cinnamon can help you achieve beautiful locks in several ways. However, its exact properties depend on how it is used.

For example, cinnamon water offers the benefit of helping to promote hair growth. This is because it stimulates the hair follicles and provides them with extra oxygen.


  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 1 cup of room temperature water (250 ml)

How to use cinnamon water

  • Put the cinnamon sticks in the water and stir for twenty minutes until you see the water change color.
  • Then remove the cinnamon sticks from the water. Pour the water all over your hair and massage it into your scalp in circular motions.
  • Massage your scalp for about five minutes and then wash your hair as usual.
  • Repeat this treatment three times a week. You will see that your hair growth will recover in no time.

4. Honey and ground cinnamon

Ground cinnamon for beautiful locks

Using good hair masks with cinnamon can help strengthen your hair and keep it well hydrated. 

The vitamins and minerals that cinnamon contains, in combination with the trace elements of honey, can provide very good results when it comes to getting beautiful locks, without having to expose your hair to chemical agents.


  • 1 tablespoon olive oil (16 g)
  • 2 tablespoons honey (25 g)
  • 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon (10 g)

How to use honey and cinnamon

  • Mix the olive oil, honey and ground cinnamon together until you have an even paste.
  • First wash your hair as usual and then spread the paste all over your hair. Massage it into your entire scalp in circular motions.
  • Let the mask do its work for 15 minutes so that your hair can fully absorb the nutrients.
  • Then rinse it out of your hair with plenty of water and, if desired, use a conditioner to completely remove the smell of the olive oil.

In the case of all these cinnamon hair masks, persistence and dedication are the keys to achieving the desired result.

Remember that good things always require a little more patience to see change.

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