Menthol Cigarettes May Be More Harmful Than Regular

Many people prefer to smoke menthol cigarettes because they think they contain a lower concentration of nicotine. However, science has debunked this myth.
Menthol cigarettes can be more harmful than regular

While menthol cigarettes have long been the ‘good’ option for those looking to minimize the ill effects of tobacco, science has proven that they can be even more harmful than regular cigarettes.

In this article, we will focus on some of the research that supports the hypothesis that menthol cigarettes are more harmful. Before we delve deeper into this topic, we would like to point out that efforts to reduce tobacco use seem to be resonating.

According to the World Health Organization ‘s Global Report on Trends in Tobacco Use Prevalence between 2000 and 2025, the total number of smokers in the world decreased by 60 million people between 2000 and 2018.

The nicotine contained in smoking products is the cause of addiction. According to a research report from the National Institute on Drug Abuse , the release of endorphins produced by consuming them makes people want more.

Initially, the substance only increases the level of dopamine in the body. Over time, the self alters the brain circuits associated with learning, stress, and self-control.

Use of menthol in cigarettes

The first commercial brand to add menthol to its cigarettes was SpudĀ® around 1920. The marketing promise of most companies is a fresh taste in the mouth after consumption.

Added to this is the trend of the consumption of menthol cigarettes among the young population. According to the Spanish National Committee for the Prevention of Smoking (Spanish link), the hypothesis is that the pleasant taste of menthol may facilitate the introduction of the habit of smoking in this group.

One of the reasons for the greater preference is the ease with which the smoke enters and the reduced irritation. At the same time, there is a misconception that considers the use of menthol to be beneficial for decades.

An article published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has pointed out that African-American smokers and people of other ethnicities are the focus of menthol cigarette commercials. Of course, this only leads to an increase in consumption among these groups.

Why are menthol cigarettes more harmful?

Full ashtray

Many smokers of menthol cigarettes find that they are easier to smoke. However, there are physiological processes that they are not aware of that make menthol cigarettes more harmful.

Although they cool the throat, the effect of the menthol that reduces the dry feeling causes smokers to inhale the smoke more deeply and hold it for longer. The American Cancer Society explains this phenomenon.

At the same time, studies indicate (Spanish link) that this sensation occurs because menthol acts as a respiratory anesthetic. On the one hand, this suggests less discomfort for smokers.

On the other hand, it could mean that the number of cigarettes a person smokes per day is increasing. And this exacerbates and accelerates the adverse effects, making smoking menthol cigarettes more harmful.

Menthol in electronic cigarettes

There is no doubt that the menthol in traditional cigarettes causes serious damage to health. However, this is less harmful than the menthol used in electronic cigarettes.

Studies show that there is evidence of serious lung lesions associated with the use of electronic cigarettes and vaping. For example, we can mention the so-called EVALI outbreak.

This disease has symptoms similar to pneumonia such as cough, fever and shortness of breath. The reason? Apparently it could be the presence of tetrahydrocannabinol or THC and vitamin E acetate.


At the same time, and no less importantly, there is the ingredient that gives cigarettes their menthol flavor. According to a study published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine , the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention detected high amounts of pulegone in the liquids consumed in menthol e-cigarettes.

This substance is one of the components of extracts of peppermint, spearmint and pennyroyal oil. The problem with its use lies in the fact that it has been reported as a potent carcinogen according to tests on rodents.

The impact of this substance on the body is so great that the US Food and Drug Administration banned its use as a food additive in 2018.

Due to the multiple warnings issued about the health threat, US tobacco companies have begun to minimize the amount of pulegone they use.

Finally, it is important to note that research is underway to determine the risks associated with inhaling this substance and other substances present in electronic cigarettes. So far , research suggests that the risk is higher compared to traditional consumption.

Cigarette as a cause of cancer

Man who smokes

According to a report by the World Health Organization, smoking kills 8 million people every year. More than 40% of this has to do with diseases such as lung cancer, COPD and tuberculosis.

In addition, the National Cancer Institute of Spain points out (Spanish link) that tobacco is the leading cause of cancer development and death in the world. This is because the chemical compounds it contains can cause DNA damage. The most common types of cancer that develop from this cause are:

  • lung cancer
  • larynx cancer
  • oral cancer
  • esophageal cancer
  • throat cancer
  • bladder cancer
  • liver cancer
  • kidney cancer
  • Colon cancer
  • cervical cancer

It is important to point out that tobacco also affects the people who ingest it indirectly. Experts have identified more than 4,000 chemicals of unknown origin in tobacco smoke. Of these, they have classified about 250 as harmful, including 50 carcinogens.

Quitting smoking is possible!

Whether you use menthol or traditional cigarettes, trying to quit can cause withdrawal symptoms. As we mentioned , nicotine is one of the main substances that cause dependence.

Quitting this habit may prevent you from developing serious illnesses, such as cancer. You also prevent your family or close friends from experiencing the side effects of smoke in the environment.

To make smoking cessation easier it may be necessary to seek professional help and get the support of a doctor. If this is the case with you, don’t be afraid and don’t be ashamed of it. Your life is worth it.

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