A Guide To Industrial Piercing And Aftercare

Industrial piercing has become one of the most eye-catching accessories of recent times due to its new style. However, it requires strict aftercare to be successful.
A guide to an industrial piercing and its aftercare

Accessories like an industrial piercing continue to be a big part of modern body adornments every day. This is because people pay a lot of attention to their appearance as it helps them to express themselves in terms of taste, feelings of comfort, personality and of course freedom.

Piercings have been successfully incorporated into the fashion world to enhance diversity, emphasize certain parts of the body, personalize the image according to the personality of each individual and encourage originality. There is a clear visual intent, so the ears are one of the most selected places for piercings.

The location of an industrial piercing is usually the cartilage of the upper part of the ear. The main feature is that two piercings come together.

This is usually because they connect through the same metal rod that goes through the two holes. Let’s take a closer look at this type of piercing, what it entails and how to care for it.

The procedure of an industrial piercing

Piercer is getting his stuff ready

There should be a well-planned step-by-step procedure that takes safety into account. It is important to emphasize that this is easy and only takes a few minutes as long as a trained professional does it. The correct procedure for piercing is as follows:

  • The professional should disinfect the entire puncture area and any jewelry, needles, and gloves they will be using. This is essential to prevent infections.
  • Then they draw the two points to be pierced. This is mainly to advise the professional on the most suitable places so that the person getting a piercing can make a final decision.
  • They then use a hollow needle to open the first hole completely and then punch the second hole with another needle.
  • Finally, they pierce the two holes with an industrial rod and place a round piece of jewelry at each end.

What does the success of the piercing depend on?

It is important to be informed on the subject to know all the stages of the procedure before undergoing it. This avoids improvisations that could affect the final result.

It is essential to pre-examine the ear being pierced for an industrial piercing to be successful. You should therefore always consult an expert.

This examination aims to select the most appropriate position and angle to pierce each individual’s cartilage, bearing in mind that all ears have a specific size and shape.

This is because failure to consider this stage of the process can lead to piercing the wrong part of the ear and lead to discomfort, irritation and frequent pain.

A bad procedure can escalate into a huge problem. The study of the ear is also the key to select a suitable size of the industrial piercing bar.

Potential for infection with an industrial piercing

Infections can occur with all types of piercings as a result of serious carelessness or failure to maintain proper aftercare as recommended by the specialist. With industrial piercings, proximity to a greasy area, such as hair, can lead to bacterial colonization.

The possibility is also slightly greater, as there are two piercings to take care of. However, you can avoid discomfort by cleaning properly. Some symptoms of an industrial piercing infection may include:

  • heavy bleeding
  • Pus in large quantities
  • Swelling without improvement
  • Intense pain

In case of infection

Ideally, don’t get a piercing inflamed, as the top cartilage is an area that takes longer to heal than normal. This is explained by the lack of blood concentration (Spanish link). In any case, you can take measures to prevent the situation from worsening and an infection from occurring. These include:

  • Clean the area with saline to keep the infection at bay.
    Do not remove the metal bar as this may cause lumps to form in the holes.
  • Apply ice (Spanish link) to reduce swelling and any redness around the infected area.
  • Dry the entire area after cleaning and always make sure that no residue or dirt is left behind.

Aftercare for a good industrial piercing

Stainless Steel Piercing Tools

Taking care of the piercing is essential to speed up the healing process of each of the cavities. It is also necessary to prevent bacteria from settling and complicating the formation of new tissue. Here’s what you need to do for the industrial piercing to heal as it should:

  • Wash the pierced areas three times a day with soap and water.
  • Keep her away from the pierced area so as not to transfer dirt or grease.
  • Do not mix up the jewelry. This is essential to prevent the rod from getting dirty.
  • Do not sleep on the piercing as this can cause redness and inflammation.
  • Clean the jewelry with a saline solution to prevent dirt from getting on it.
  • Do not remove the piercing until it has fully healed as this could lead to serious injuries.
  • Do not clean with alcohol, it is counterproductive to the healing process.
  • Dry the area well so that no lumps or harmful substances build up.

A detailed guide to caring for and protecting your new style

There are some final recommendations that should be taken into account to increase the success rate of this procedure. For example, do not use headphones and other accessories that can rub the area.

Do not remove scabs, because then you will create a new wound every time. Please note that the final healing process takes 6 to 12 months. However, it all depends on the individual.

Consult the person who performed the piercing immediately if you notice any abnormalities to avoid major risks. Keep in mind that you can’t remove the jewelry until the specialist has examined it and says it’s okay to do it.

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