Natural Hair Masks Against Dry Hair

Many people suffer from dry or dull hair. Instead of buying expensive products, you can also make your own hair masks.
Natural hair masks against dry hair

Many people know the problem of dry hair. It is caused by insufficient care or the use of harmful care products. This article describes  the best natural hair masks to make dull and dry hair vital and healthy again.

Beautiful hair starts with healthy hair and in the shops we find hundreds of care products, which promise our shiny and healthy hair. As you may know, these conditioners and hair masks are not only expensive, but they stop working as soon as we stop using them.

The hair again looks dry and lifeless and a vicious circle ensues, where the hair will only look good as long as we continue to use these products.

Are you tired of spending so much money on remedies that only have an effect for a few days or that lose their effect as soon as you stop the treatment? Are you looking for natural care for your hair that gives results?

Many hair masks and moisturizing treatments can also be made very cheaply at home. These blends offer a more natural approach to caring for your hair. Do not hesitate and try these homemade, natural hair masks, for beautiful and vital hair.

Woman with loose hair looks into the camera

Use these hair masks regularly and choose a natural, mild shampoo plus conditioner before washing your hair, so that you will enjoy silky soft and healthy hair again. All the ingredients are cheap and you probably don’t even have to leave the house.

Do you want to get started quickly? Then follow the instructions below carefully for maximum moisturizing effect.

The best hair masks for dry hair

Hair mask with olive oil and egg

Beat an egg in a small bowl and add one tablespoon of olive oil and two tablespoons of mayonnaise. Apply this mix evenly to the hair, cover and let it act for a minimum of fifteen minutes and a maximum of half an hour.

Then rinse your hair thoroughly and wash it with a natural shampoo.

Woman with dark, dry hair

avocado mask

Peel the avocado and mix the pulp in a bowl with a tablespoon of olive oil and an egg yolk. Mix this mixture well to a smooth creamy substance. You can also use a mixer for this.

Apply the mask evenly on the hair, paying extra attention to the ends. Then rinse well with water and wash with shampoo.

Hair mask with honey and banana

You probably already have the ingredients for this very easy to make recipe. Mash the banana and mix the result with three tablespoons of honey. If necessary, add a few drops of almond oil and let this mask work for thirty minutes.

Rinse well and wash your hair as normal. Did you also know that the use of a hairdryer is not recommended when treating dry hair?

Hair mask with yogurt and egg

This moisturizing hair mask requires six tablespoons of natural white yogurt and the white of an egg. Beat the egg whites to a firm consistency and then mix in the yogurt.

Leave this mix on the dry hair for fifteen minutes to half an hour. Rinse well with water and wash with a natural shampoo.

Woman with blond hair

Hair mask with almond oil

Did you know that almonds are one of the most used natural products in beauty treatments for healthy nails, hair and skin? Warm the oil slightly by placing it in a cup of hot water, taking care not to let the oil get too hot.

Comb the mixture evenly through the hair and leave it on for a few minutes. Rinse the hair and then wash the hair with a mild conditioning shampoo.

Hair mask with honey and olive oil

Honey is also considered by many to be an excellent hair care product. Mix half a cup of honey with three tablespoons of olive oil to an even mixture and spread this paste over the hair, starting at the scalp.

Work your way up to the ends, making sure each strand is well-moistened. Cover it well with a towel or shower cap for half an hour. Rinse and wash as usual.

Hair mask with aloe vera

You will need two aloe vera stems for this moisturizer. Cut them open lengthwise and mix the pulp of the plant with three tablespoons of your normal hair conditioner. Mix for five minutes. Use circular motions to massage the scalp with this moisturizer.

Then cover the hair well for thirty minutes, rinse well with water and wash the hair with a natural, caring shampoo.

Woman with dark hair

Hair mask with strawberries, olive oil and honey

Blend twenty medium-sized strawberries, two tablespoons of olive oil and two tablespoons of honey in the blender for ten minutes. Apply the mixture evenly to the hair and leave the substance for half an hour, after which you rinse the hair thoroughly and wash as usual.

Hair mask with soy and castor oil

Soybean oil and castor oil or castor oil are also full of valuable substances to nourish the hair. Mix one teaspoon of soybean oil with two teaspoons of castor oil. To allow the nutrients to be absorbed even better by the hair, you can heat the oil slightly.

Apply to the scalp and massage for fifteen minutes for optimal effect. Then rinse well again and wash with a natural, mild care product.

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