Delicious And Healthy Homemade Almond Nougat

This homemade almond, coconut oil and stevia nougat is ideal for children, athletes and pregnant women as it is low in calories and can promote milk production.
Delicious and healthy homemade almond nougat

Traditional Christmas treats are so good that they should be enjoyed more often than just during the holiday season. However, it is better to look for healthier options, so that you can enjoy them every now and then without feeling bad about them. So today we would like to propose to make a homemade almond nougat.

Best of all, this homemade almond nougat contains no sugar and hydrogenated fats. Learn how to make this nougat and discover its nourishing properties and health benefits.

Can we prepare a healthy homemade almond nougat?

Nougat varieties are usually not very healthy, as they are often high in sugar and harmful fats such as margarine and hydrogenated fats. In contrast, nuts are healthy and well-balanced foods, rich in:

  • vitamins
  • minerals
  • protein
  • essential fatty acids
  • fiber

To make this homemade almond nougat, it’s a good idea to eliminate the unhealthy fats and replace them with extra virgin coconut oil, a nutritious ingredient. It is also better not to use sugar and replace it with stevia, a natural sweetener with zero calories.



Almonds are a healthy food that is rich in vegetable proteins, healthy fats and fiber. They also contain a good amount of calcium, making them an excellent alternative to milk to prevent osteoporosis.

This nut also helps balance your cholesterol and blood sugar levels, which is a good remedy to prevent cardiovascular disease.

This homemade almond nougat is perfect for:

  • children
  • athletes
  • pregnant women and nursing mothers, as it aids in milk production

coconut oil

Coconut oil is a healthy fat source that is being used more and more. It can help you to :

  • stimulate the metabolism
  • lose weight efficiently
  • reduce the fat around the waist

Besides being an antioxidant, this vegetable oil is rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins E and K. You can also use coconut oil for cooking without making any changes to the dish. That is why coconut oil is one of the best fats for cooking next to olive oil.

Coconut oil is great in all types of beauty treatments. It doesn’t matter if it is used to nourish your skin and hair or even as a natural and cheap toothpaste.



Stevia is a plant from Paraguay, where it has been used since ancient times as a healing agent for a variety of medical conditions.

It was also used as a natural sweetener for beverages. Stevia helps regulate blood sugar levels, making it healthy for diabetics and those who enjoy sweets.

This plant is also great for our gums. Stevia also slightly lowers blood pressure and strengthens your defenses to protect you against all kinds of diseases. If you can’t find it, try using an alternative like:

  • brown cane sugar
  • honey
  • agave syrup

Homemade almond nougat

Homemade almond nougat


To prepare this soft homemade almond nougat, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 300 g ground almonds
  • 56 g extra virgin coconut oil
  • 30 ml refined liquid stevia

You can find two types of stevia in health food stores. Clear, refined stevia, which has no taste or medicinal properties and a darker, thicker stevia. The latter is a healing agent with a strong taste similar to licorice.

To cook it we will always use the refined version as the unrefined counterpart would alter the flavors of the recipe. Pure stevia is great for medicinal teas. Both types contain no calories.


To make this recipe you need to follow these steps:

  • If the temperature of the coconut oil is lower than 25°C, the oil will solidify. So we have to melt the oil by means of a bain-marie or in the microwave. Do not boil the oil or it will lose its nutritional value.
  • Mix the oil in the liquid state with the liquid stevia.
  • Then add the ground almonds. You can use a spoon or clean hands to mix it.
  • When you have mixed well, put the mixture in a silicone mold or a shallow baking tray.
  • Cover with plastic wrap and let it cool in the fridge. The coconut oil solidifies and brings the ingredients together.
  • After an hour of cooling, the nougat is ready to serve.

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