Never Touch These Four Body Parts Without Washing Your Hands First

Often we do this without realizing it, yet it is important to teach ourselves never to touch certain parts of our body without first washing our hands. Otherwise you can transfer harmful bacteria.
Never touch these four body parts without washing your hands first

During your childhood, your mother probably taught you a lot about personal hygiene. The habit of  washing your hands regularly must have been one of the most important.

This is because during the day we touch all kinds of things that are full of bacteria. If you don’t have good hygiene, the bacteria on your hands keeps accumulating. This can ultimately be very harmful to your health.

Which body parts should you never touch with dirty hands? What happens if you do this? We explain this below.

Why is it important to wash your hands?

December 15th has been declared International Hand Washing Day by UNICEF  . This initiative started with the idea of ​​raising awareness of the importance of washing their hands.

The organization emphasized that a lot of diseases are transmitted by touching certain parts of the body. The problems arise if you do not maintain good hand hygiene!

Never touch these four body parts without washing your hands first

Maybe you think your hygiene is super good. You may think you are not at risk because you never come into contact with toxic products. However, ask yourself if everything you touch during the day is really as clean as you think.

For example, if you use your computer every day, you can transfer all kinds of bacteria from your keyboard to your mouth. Don’t think there isn’t a problem because your workspace is generally ‘clean’. All kinds of bacteria are spread through the air and unfortunately you cannot prevent this.

The eyes

Our eyesight is one of the most precious senses we have.  That is why problems with our eyes, such as an eye infection, can be very annoying.

Many people regularly rub their eyes and use their hands to remove eyelashes or the like from their eyes. However, touching your eyes with dirty hands can cause serious infections.

We often touch our eyes without even being aware of it. Some recommendations that you should always keep in mind are:

  • Always wash your hands before touching your eyes.
  • Use a tissue or paper towel to dry your eyes or remove an eyelash from your eyes.
  • Try not to bring any foreign objects into contact with your eyes.

Extra care related to contact lenses

Contact lenses
  • Never touch your eyes directly with your hands without first washing your hands with neutral soap.
  • Learn how to remove your lenses from your eyes as gently as possible. Ask your eye doctor for advice on how to put your lenses in and out properly.
  • Never rub your eyes, as your eyes are very sensitive and can be easily damaged.

It is quite normal to feel the need to take off your contact lenses when you come home tired after a long day. However, don’t forget to wash your hands before doing this. This is very important! After all, the liquid in your contact lens case is not strong enough to eliminate all germs.

Did you wash your hands to remove your lenses from your eyes? Then it is important to use a neutral soap and warm water. Liquid soap often leaves a layer on your skin that is full of chemicals.

As a result, leftovers can also end up on your lenses. These leftovers build up, so your lenses don’t last as long.

2. Your Intimate Parts

Your intimate parts are of course very personal. It is therefore important to make sure that your hands are clean before touching these parts.

Touching these parts with dirty hands gives germs the chance to cause all kinds of infections. Our intimate parts are naturally moist and have their own ecosystem. When it comes into contact with other bacteria, it can cause serious problems.

  • A common mistake many women make is to wash their vulva with soap and other cleansing products.
  • We recommend to limit the use of water and cleansing products specially made for the vagina. Above all, avoid regular  soap entirely.

3. The ears

One of the body parts that you should never touch with your hands is the inside of your ears. This could cause lesions that could become infected over time.

  • First of all, it’s important to remember that earwax naturally builds up in your ears, which acts as a protection against bacteria. Therefore, do not try to completely remove all the earwax that is in your ears.
  • If you think there is too much wax in your ears, talk to your doctor or an ENT specialist. This specialist is specialized in ears, among other things. The ENT doctor can help you get rid of this excess earwax safely and without problems.

4. The face

In fact, try not to touch your face at all. We know that many people do this unconsciously very often. If you are one of these people, try to unlearn this.

There are several reasons for this. When you touch your face, for example, you transfer dirt from your hands to your face.

Pimple Popping Out

If your hygiene is not so good, the pores on your face can become clogged very quickly. As a result, you can suffer from pimples and red spots on your skin.

The only time you should touch your face is when you are going to wash your face. You should also only do this after you have washed your hands.

As you can see, contact with dirty hands can cause both simple and quite serious problems. Therefore, try to pay attention from now on and touch these parts of the body with your hands as little as possible.

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