The Benefits Of Walking For 30 Minutes In The Morning

There are many different ways to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Walking is one of them.
The benefits of walking for 30 minutes in the morning

Exercise is vital if you want to lose weight. However, you should not do this for short periods of time. You have to keep doing this continuously if you want to maintain this weight loss. We therefore recommend doing at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week. A 30 minute walk in the morning will get you started.

Try to take a walk in the morning as often as possible to help prevent diseases such as hypertension, embolisms, depression, heart attacks and obesity and live a long and healthy life. 30 minute walk, are you ready?

How to walk?

Before you start walking, you should warm up and after the walk you should stretch.

The following is important when stretching:

  • Avoid springy stretching
  • Don’t stretch beyond what your body is capable of
  • Breathe constantly while stretching
  • move slowly

To prevent injuries and to maximize the effect of the movement, you should pay attention to the following during the 30-minute walk:

  • When walking, your toes should point forward.
  • With each step, your heel should touch the ground first. After that, your body weight will gradually come forward.
  • Move your arms in a constant, natural way.
  • Shrug your shoulders slightly and keep your chin high. Try not to look too much at the ground.

Benefits of walking for 30 minutes

Benefits of walking for 30 minutes

Walking for 30 minutes every morning has the same benefits as going for a run. This type of exercise can help reduce the risk of diabetes and depression. In addition, it also helps to combat high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

American Heart Association spokesperson Dr. Gregg Fonarow confirms that physical activity may reduce the risk of premature death as it helps prevent potential cardiovascular problems. Studies confirm that walking and running can protect against heart disease.

In fact, the results of such studies show that walking may actually be better than running:

  • In terms of cholesterol, it decreased with walking by 7% and with running by 4.3%
  • When it comes to heart disease risk, walking decreased by 9.3% and running by 4.5%
  • Regarding hypertension, walking decreased by 7.2% and running by 4.2%
  • In diabetes this decreased with walking by 12.3% and with running by 2.1%

“These findings suggest a similar effect with the energy used during exercise, independent of intensity. Although in the long run it would be better to exercise more intensively if you can,” says Dr Gregg Fonarow.

The study also shows that if your goal is weight loss, running is better than walking.

Benefits of walking for 30 minutes for the heart


When exercising in general, it is always important to take some precautions so that both your health and safety are not endangered. Therefore, when you go for a walk, you have to take into account the place, time and other aspects associated with the exercise.

We recommend that you do not wear jewelry, it is more comfortable and safe. When you go for a walk when the sun is low (such as sunrise, sunset) or at night, always wear conspicuous clothing or a vest that reflects.

Walking in a group is also better for your safety. Always have a means of communication with you so that you can reach someone in case of an emergency. Also, never set out without some form of identification.

Finally, we also recommend that you always stay informed about your environment. Look at what’s going on around you and don’t turn up your portable music player too loud so you can hear what’s going on around you.

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