Foods That Can Help Burn Localized Fat

Are you trying to lose fat locally in areas such as your hips, thighs or stomach? Then you have probably already thought of foods that could help you burn fat faster.
Foods That Can Help Burn Local Fat

Some foods may help you burn localized fat faster than normal. This way you can reduce your total fat mass to subtly shape your figure.

The importance of a good diet and exercise

Flat stomach

Are you trying to lose fat locally in areas such as your hips, thighs or stomach ? Then you have probably already thought of foods that could help you burn fat faster. But do such foods work?

Although there is a lot of information out there, there is actually little evidence to show the link between weight loss and certain foods. However, some people believe that certain foods can slightly boost your metabolism, such as:

  • green tea
  • peppers
  • soybeans
  • grapefruit
  • garlic
  • ginger

They could indeed help you lose weight.

However, that effect is very limited. That is why it is important to combine the right foods with sufficient exercise and a balanced diet.

Which foods can help burn localized fat on your stomach?

The fat that accumulates around the stomach area is not always harmless. There are certain health risks associated with it, such as arteriosclerosis and heart problems. Therefore, specialists would recommend that the waist size of men should not exceed 102 centimeters. In women, it should not exceed 88 centimeters.

Below we give you some examples of foods that can help against localized fat on your stomach.

Examples of fat burners

Citrus fruits

Low-fat dairy products

This group of products includes:

  • skim milk
  • yogurt
  • low-fat cheese

They are all high in calcium, which could help break down fat cells.

Citrus fruits

Some citrus fruits are high in vitamin C, such as:

  • oranges
  • grapefruit
  • lemons

According to some people, that vitamin can help to process body fat faster. The vitamin is also said to help regulate insulin, a substance that is very important to keep your blood sugar under control.


This fruit is rich in potassium. Therefore, melon can help to slightly offset your salt intake and to combat bloating.


Thanks to their high content of omega-3 fatty acids, walnuts can help reduce stress hormone levels. Hormones such as cortisol contribute to weight gain. However, don’t overdo it with nuts!


These nuts are a great source of energy as they are rich in:

  • protein
  • calcium
  • fiber
  • omega 3 fatty acids

In addition, they could help control sugar levels and boost your metabolism.


Oats are high in fiber and protein that can help lower cholesterol. Oats are also known as an effective means to purify your blood. That’s because oats could isolate fats and toxins, making it easier to filter them out of the body.


This fish has a high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids and proteins that can increase good cholesterol (HDL). These substances are thought to boost your metabolism and help the body break down excess belly fat.

Olive oil

This oil is rich in unsaturated fats, which are basically healthy for your body. They can also help your body absorb healthy nutrients and lower your cholesterol.

Which foods can help to reduce localized fat around the thighs and hips?


Like the belly fat burners above, there are certain foods that are thought to help reduce the fat around your thighs and hips. Below you will find some examples:

  • Whole grains : brown rice, oats, corn, whole wheat bread, and pasta.
  • Legumes : peas, beans and lentils.
  • Lean proteins : chicken (without the skin), eggs, low-fat dairy, white fish, and tofu.
  • Fiber : apples, potatoes, strawberries and broccoli.

However, a few foods are not enough to burn local fat. Your entire diet should be balanced as mentioned earlier. We also mentioned the importance of regular physical activity.

Finally, it is also important to mention that obesity is a very serious condition. When in doubt, always consult your doctor.

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