Colloidal Silver: A Dangerous Myth

IMPORTANT: The effects of silver have not been widely proven and are scientifically disputed. Silver is poisonous in large quantities. Use common sense and consult your doctor before using silver as a natural remedy.
Colloidal silver: a dangerous myth

Colloidal silver is said to have properties to remove fungi, viruses, bacteria and parasites. Also, silver is said to offer a protection against infection that is stronger than any chemical element.

Unfortunately, almost all of those seem to be persistent myths.

In this article, we want to tell you more about the use of colloidal silver as a traditional medicine, and the risks involved if you try this remedy today.

Colloidal silver as a traditional medicine


To talk about the first uses of this silver, let’s go back in history, more specifically to the empires of ancient Greece and Rome. Both civilizations used these ingredients to make cooking equipment and containers for water storage.

From the writings of Herodotus we learn that King Cyrus of Persia carried silver bottles of boiled water with him. He only drank from those bottles. Apparently he believed the silver would kill the bacteria.

In traditional Chinese medicine and in Ayurvedic medicine, they have also used silver for centuries. It was used to prevent or treat infections.

They also used it to make patients feel younger or more energized when they experienced pain or weakness as a result of aging.

Old woman

More recently, farmers in the United States collected silver coins. They used to put those coins in a bowl of fresh milk. Apparently, this allowed the milk to be stored longer and prevented mold from forming.

To obtain colloidal silver, a process called electrolysis is used. In this process, silver is combined with distilled water.

Can silver really work as a medicine?

In short: we absolutely do not recommend trying colloidal silver without the full approval of your doctor.

If silver has any positive effects, such as skin-related benefits, those have been scientifically disputed. However, the risks associated with regular use of silver should put you off. You can read more about it below.

What are the risks?

Colloidal Silver

Some people use silver to wash the vagina or anus, breathe it in, or even drink it. That is absurd and you should absolutely never do that. If you are already going to use silver, apply a minimal amount superficially to the skin.

Overuse of silver can lead to argyria. This is a dermatological condition in which the skin color changes to blue or blue-gray.

The skin discoloration also appears to be irreversible as the silver builds up in the deepest layers of the skin. Surgical removal of the top layers of skin therefore makes no sense.

As always applies to silver therapy: think before you start!

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