Pancakes With Oatmeal, Bananas, Cocoa And Coconut Oil For Breakfast

These oatmeal and banana pancakes aren’t just a healthy and satisfying breakfast. It’s also an ideal way to manage your weight and avoid feeling the urge to eat between meals.
Pancakes with oatmeal, bananas, cocoa and coconut oil for breakfast

Start a healthy breakfast today. Try these easy and homemade pancakes with oatmeal, bananas, cocoa and coconut oil. They are a healthy and nutritious choice. These pancakes will not only make you feel full. They also give you energy for the entire morning.

We explain how you can make these delicious nutritious pancakes with oatmeal. They contain no gluten, sugar or lactose.

Eat healthy and improve your health

You can make a healthy and natural breakfast every morning in a quick and easy way. These oatmeal pancakes are made with natural ingredients that are high in nutrients. They are excellent for satisfying your appetite all morning.

They provide the necessary amount of energy for the rest of the day. Choose healthy products for breakfast. That’s not just a positive daily habit. It is also a way to invest in your health. It will help you avoid diseases and other problems in the long run.

Avoid sugar, poor-quality fats and refined flours, as well as all processed foods.

The ingredients of these pancakes with oatmeal


Pancakes with oatmeal for breakfast

Oatmeal is the best grain to have for breakfast. It provides you with a large amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fiber. It is a very nutritious and powerful food. Oatmeal improves digestion and intestinal function. At the same time, it also balances the nervous system. This is a good choice for calming yourself down when you are anxious, depressed or irritable.

Oatmeal also aids in weight loss. That’s thanks to its ability to regulate blood sugar levels. This property ensures that you can avoid the urge for sweets and snacks between meals.


Pancakes with oatmeal and bananas

Bananas are a very healthy fruit. They are high in carbohydrates, vitamins A, B6, C and folic acid. In bananas we also find minerals such as potassium and magnesium. In addition, they contain a large amount of fiber.

This delicious fruit is packed with energy. It reduces high blood pressure and relaxes the muscles and nervous system. Bananas also add a naturally sweet flavor to any recipe. Ultimately, you will eat less sugar.


Dark chocolate or cocoa is a medicinal food with many health benefits. The normal chocolate that you buy in the supermarket has little or no such properties. Dark chocolate contains powerful antioxidants. It is also a stimulant that boosts brain function and mood.

Cocoa also lowers cholesterol levels. It takes care of your heart, relieves stress and improves libido naturally. This age-old food will satiate your chocolate cravings while providing all the benefits we’ve already mentioned.

coconut oil

Pancakes with oatmeal and coconut oil

You should not completely eliminate fats from your diet. But you should avoid the fats that are harmful to your health and lead to weight gain. Extra virgin coconut oil is a healthy fat that can help you maintain a healthy body weight.

It also removes the fats that build up around your waist. In addition, this oil seems to speed up your metabolism. So you will burn those kilos more easily.

The recipe for nutritious pancakes with oatmeal


  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 cup water, milk, or plant-based milk (100 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract (10 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar (24 g)
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin coconut oil (30 g)
  • 1 cup oatmeal (90 g)
  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa powder (20 g)


The easiest way to make oatmeal pancakes is to use a blender. You can of course also prepare the recipe by hand:

  • Beat the egg well. Then add the milk or water, vanilla extract, brown sugar and coconut oil. Beat everything well and then repeat.
  • After that, mash the ripe bananas with a fork and then add them to the mixture. Stir everything well again.
  • Once the dough is ready, you can bake the pancakes in a frying pan. Use a little bit of oil for this and let each pancake fry for about five minutes. Turn them once to prevent them from burning.
  • You can also use the dough in a waffle iron.

Eat a healthy breakfast with these oatmeal pancakes. Decorate them with something different every day: chocolate sauce, jam, butter, nuts, yogurt, cinnamon, and so on.

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