5 Signs You Have Bad Eyesight

The eyes are an essential organ in our daily life. It is not a vital organ and many visually impaired people can lead normal lives, but they are fundamental for those used to using their eyes on a regular basis.

We emphasize this because people who are completely blind (over time) are used to not using this sense. The situation is of course different for them than for people who have healthy eyes and can see.

In general, we can say that all people hope that their eyesight will remain as good as possible. This is unfortunately complicated by the many problems we face today, often caused by electronic equipment.

These cause eyestrain. For example, in the long run, computer screens can cause permanent eye damage.

But this is far from all. When something is wrong with the eyes, diseases can also show up in other parts of our body. That is why it is so important that we take great care of our eyes. The following are some of the symptoms that may indicate that something is wrong with your eyes.

1. Blurred Eyes

Many people have some sort of blurry filter in front of their eyes. This prevents them from seeing clearly and not being able to observe properly. According to many ophthalmologists, a common symptom is that the eye is obstructed.

In fact, it’s more or less like there’s sand in the eyes. This may indicate that you are suffering from cataracts, a disease that is common in older patients, but can also affect younger people.

2. Yellow eyes

Yellow-colored irises are uncommon (the place where you see eye color; brown eyes are the most common), but they do exist.

That being said, you should realize that in terms of health issues, the yellow color can be a sign of health problems. Especially if the yellow color also occurs in the sclera, which normally always remains white. 

In most cases, the yellow color indicates a problem with the liver. In general, this means that there is too much bilirubin in the body, a substance produced by the liver.

3. See stars

When you make sudden movements, such as getting out of bed quickly, this sudden change can make you dizzy and cause you to see stars. This is something only you can see.

This annoying light or occurrence can be very annoying for you, but there is another factor that determines its occurrence. Seeing stars can also indicate visual problems such as nearsightedness or glaucoma. 

The symptoms of these diseases usually start with disturbed vision. This indicates a widening of the retina of the rest of the eye.

4. Saggy Eyelids

Drooping eyelids

Wrinkles and loss of nutrients in the skin, especially on the face, are very normal for older people. The phenomenon usually builds up over the years and is due to the accumulation of impurities and other such factors. Because the skin loses nutrients, your eyelids droop.

The problem can also occur if you have problems with your eyes. The disease ptosis is characterized by irregular closing of the eyelids and can occur at any age.

There are other factors that influence this problem, for example, irregularities in the immune system or the presence of a brain tumor.

5. Irregular Vision

This problem can arise from fatigue, plus overuse or exposure to bright light devices, such as smartphones and computer monitors.

But irregular vision can also be a sign of other problems, which are more serious than you think. In general it can be said that you suffer from an eye infection when your vision becomes cloudy from one moment to the next and you have a less wide viewing angle.

In the most severe cases, you can lose your sight for several minutes. This then indicates cerebrovascular problems.

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