Treating Stomach Ulcer Naturally

A stomach ulcer is a wound in the lining of the stomach. To prevent this, there are a number of natural remedies for treating an ulcer.
Treating a stomach ulcer naturally

A stomach ulcer is a type of wound in the lining of the stomach. Sometimes the ulcer is really in the stomach itself, but usually a little past the exit of the stomach, at the beginning of the duodenum. Even then we call it a stomach ulcer. Peptic ulcers generally occur in people over the age of 50 and are slightly more common in women than men. Sometimes an ulcer is so deep that there is a hole in the stomach wall. We call this a gastric perforation. To avoid this complication, this article describes some natural home remedies for treating a stomach ulcer.

Stomach ulcers: what should we know about them?

In many cases, the ulcer itself does not really give any symptoms, but causes problems in the digestive tract when food or drink passes.

The most common complaints are heartburn, belching, bloating, pain after eating, unexplained weight loss, nausea, vomiting and feeling full quickly while eating . In more severe cases, perforation and bleeding may also occur.

There are several things that can cause stomach ulcers:

  • They can be caused by a bacterial infection.  Helicobacter pylori in the gastric mucosa is the most common cause. It is spread by food.
  • Unhealthy eating habits are also often the cause of stomach ulcers, such as eating too much fat, heavy sauces and too spicy dishes. Eating too much too often can also cause a stomach ulcer.
Spicy Food
  • Abundance of stomach acid : People with increased production of stomach acid are more likely to develop an ulcer. Too much stomach acid damages the protective mucous membrane around the stomach.
  • Daily consumption of alcohol and tobacco poses many health risks, including an increased risk of stomach ulcers.
  • Taking certain medications too often,  especially painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen and also cortisone, increase the risk of developing an ulcer.
  • Stress reduces the general resistance of the body.
  • Hereditary factors : in some families the occurrence of stomach ulcers is much more frequent.
  • Cancer

What should you do if you suspect a stomach ulcer?

If you suspect an ulcer because the described symptoms sound familiar to you, it is always important to consult your doctor, who can perform various tests to make a correct diagnosis. To prevent this condition, the specialists recommend that you follow the following healthy lifestyle rules.

Be moderate with tea and coffee and try to avoid alcohol and tobacco as much as possible or stop using them altogether. They reduce wound healing of the gastric mucosa.

Eat as healthy and balanced as possible and only use painkillers such as aspirin and ibuprofen if there is absolutely no other option. Finally, reduce the stress level of your daily life by taking regular holidays and short breaks.

What can and can’t you eat when treating a stomach ulcer?

When treating an ulcer, it’s important to know which foods are best avoided and what you can eat without causing further problems:

  • All dairy products are allowed (except during the healing period).
  • Eggs, lean meats and fish are preferably prepared on the grill. Fried egg is better avoided.
  • Cereals and pasta mixed with various vegetables. Choose the white variants, because whole grain products are too taxing for the stomach in this condition.
  • All vegetables in puree form have a healing effect on the gastric mucosa.
  • Very ripe fruits, but avoid the acidic ones such as citrus fruits.
Ripe Fruits
  • Drink water, infusions and diluted vegetable soups.
  • Use oils in the kitchen, such as olive oil, sunflower oil, or vegetable-based soybean oil or margarine.

Foods that are better avoided:

  • Strong, fermented or very mature cheeses.
  • Fatty meats and fried or hard-boiled eggs.
  • Freshly baked bread, chocolate cakes, sweets and whole grains.
  • Vegetables that cause gas such as cabbage, Brussels sprouts and even onions, artichoke or raw peppers.
  • Sour and unripe fruits, fruit syrups.
  • Coffee, tea, guarana and fizzy soft drinks, sports drinks and alcohol.
  • Butter, cream, fat and lard.
  • Broth cubes and soups, honey, baked goods and cakes, fried snacks, chocolate, spicy sauces and ready meals, dried fruit and ice cream.

Natural remedies for treating a stomach ulcer

In addition to following the nutrition tips described above, you can also use the following home remedies for treating a stomach ulcer:

  • Mix two beaten egg whites with two tablespoons of olive oil. Make sure you drink this several times throughout the day.
  • Drink freshly squeezed celery juice every day , both from the branches and the leaves. Drink two to five glasses of this daily.
  • Eat a green banana, fried or boiled, every day . This ensures that the protective layer around the gastric mucosa that was damaged by the gastric juices is restored.
  • Also, wheat germ helps to repair the damaged mucosa.

Some more natural remedies for treating a stomach ulcer

  • First peel a carrot and cut it into small cubes, mix this together with one leaf of white cabbage and a glass of water. Pass this mixture through a sieve and drink small sips between meals throughout the day.
  • First, peel and cut   a potato into small pieces. Take three tomatoes, remove the seeds and finely chop them as well. Then clean a leaf of a white cabbage and mix everything together in a blender. Then add a glass of water. Strain the blended mixture and drink twice a day.
  • Take half an aubergine and cut it into small pieces. Mix with a pinch of salt and a tablespoon of seaweed (you can find this at any health food store). Mix this mixture and drink it together with half a glass of water.
  • Boil a glass of water together with a tablespoon of natural syrup (molasses) and a tablespoon of chamomile. Then let it boil for five minutes. Allow to cool slightly and pass through a sieve. This protective drink is best drunk in the evening before dinner. 

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