Storing And Keeping Avocados Fresh

If we’re not using all of our avocados and want to keep some of them, we can drizzle a little lemon juice or olive oil over them to keep them from browning. 
Storing and keeping avocados fresh

Avocado is one of the most versatile foods. People enjoy it in various recipes. They are also used in cosmetic facial masks and for many natural treatments. Storing avocados in the right way to keep them fresh is therefore of great importance.

You may have noticed that  avocados turn brown quickly. They lose their fresh appearance and quickly take on a brown color, making them less attractive to eat at a later time.

Most people know that you get the most benefits from this food by eating it whole as quickly as possible.

Here are some tips you can use to keep your avocados fresh for a longer period of time.

Storing your avocados

Storing and keeping avocados fresh in, for example, an old newspaper

After buying avocados  , you can store them in a newspaper or paper bag. If you skip this step, you will notice that the fruit rots faster. Without this bag, an avocado can last up to about seven days. This is fine if you bought them to consume within this time as well.

If you’d like your avocados to ripen faster, you can add an apple or banana in the bag and let it sit at room temperature.

If you want your avocados to stay green, keep  them away from sunlight and don’t put them in the fridge. However, slowing down the ripening process can actually cause avocados to rot faster.

  • Check the avocados daily.
  • Gently squeeze the avocados to see how ripe they are. When the avocado is ripe, the skin will dent slightly when you press it.
  • You can store avocados at room temperature for a week while they are still green.

Storing sliced ​​avocados

Using a brush, you can rub both halves of the avocado with lemon or lime juice. This will slow down the oxidation process.

If you don’t have lemon or lime juice, you can also use orange juice, vinegar, or tomato juice. Then put the two halves together. The idea is to expose the avocados to the air as little as possible.

Then pack the avocados in cellophane, in a clean container, a sealed plastic bag or in a vacuum bag.

Storing ripe avocados

Put the avocados in a plastic bag and remove the air so that you can close the bag. Then put it in the fridge to slow down the ripening process. 

Keeping them in the fridge will keep them fresher for longer. This will prevent dissolution. If the avocado becomes too soft or gets rotten spots, you can’t eat it anymore.

Storing pitted avocados

Storing and keeping fresh avocados that you have already pitted

If you no longer have the pit of the avocado, you can rub this part with lemon juice. You can also use the juice of other citrus fruits or olive oil.

Although olive oil does not reduce oxidation, it will keep the air out.

  • Wrap the avocado in cellophane or in a plastic bag.
  • If you use olive oil instead of lemon juice, it is best to wrap the fruit in cellophane. This combination will close better.
  • Then keep the avocado in the fridge.

Storing ripe avocados with the pit

Leave the pit of the avocado in the part you are not using. This ensures that it will oxidize less quickly. Wrap the avocado in cellophane. Put it in the fridge and check regularly.

In general, a ripe avocado stored this way is good for about one to two days. After this it will be overripe and you can no longer eat it.

Freeze your avocado

Storing and keeping avocados fresh by freezing them

To do this, you need to cut the avocado in half with a sharp knife. Cut the avocado lengthwise and separate the two halves. Take out the pit.

If the avocado is already ripe, remove the pulp you want to use quickly from the skin with a spoon or your fingers. Make a puree of the pulp before putting it in the fridge.

If you freeze it whole or in chunks, you run the risk of it affecting texture, taste, or quality.

  • Add a tablespoon of lemon juice and put the rest of the pulp in the blender.
  • Mix until it has an even and smooth texture.
  • Put the puree in a bowl and put it in the freezer.

You can keep it this way for up to six months. This method is great if you want to use the avocado as a spread, in smoothies or in sauces.

These are easy ways to store your avocados. You don’t need a lot of money and materials to make many recipes with avocado, which you can keep for up to six months.

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