8 Tips For An Alkaline Diet For Your Health

Suffering from too much stress day in and day out, your body becomes unbalanced. To make sure you stay healthy, start your day every morning with a glass of room temperature water mixed with some lemon juice.
8 tips for an alkaline diet for your health

Why should you try  an alkaline diet  ? You’ve probably heard about the benefits of alkaline foods before and they all make sense.

Research shows that your body’s pH needs to be slightly alkaline to stay balanced and a balanced body is a healthy body.

Most of the things we eat every day are actually too acidic. Salt, fat, processed foods, pastries… All these products ensure that the living environment of your body cells becomes acidic. In the long term, this increases the risk of health problems.

What can you do about this?

Well, for starters, you can put together an alkaline diet. In this article, we’ll give you some great tips to help you do this. Read more!

8 Tips for an Alkaline Diet

Fruit and yogurt

As we have mentioned several times, to take good care of your health, start the day with a glass of room temperature water mixed with a little lemon juice. Always drink this drink on an empty stomach and then wait half an hour before having breakfast.

You can use that time to take a shower or get ready for the day, for example. After the thirty minutes is up, have breakfast with one of these delicious breakfast options:

  • A bowl with pieces of apple and watermelon. Drink almond milk with it.
  • An omelette with spinach and a glass of carrot juice.
  • Green tea with wheat pita bread and cherry tomatoes.
  • An apple and beet smoothie with pumpkin bread and honey.
  • Pancakes with wheat germ and spinach. A glass of natural pineapple juice.
  • Pear juice, a bowl of sour cherries, chunks of watermelon and hazelnuts or almonds.
  • Green tea, a bowl of dates or dried fruit.
  • An omelet with two cloves of garlic.
  • A glass of natural apple juice, two carrots, first boiled and then baked with some cinnamon. Wheat pita bread with a few cherry tomatoes. Delicious!


Lunch on an alkaline diet

It’s time for lunch and as you may have guessed,  we strongly recommend that you opt for a tasty, fresh salad with this meal.

Do you like salads? If so, let your creativity run wild and try to come up with delicious varied salads that are packed with vitamins and nutrients and that also balance the body’s pH with the right combination of alkaline and acidic foods. For example, these are the following options:

Green salade

You can make a delicious salad with, for example, the following ingredients:

  • arugula
  • head lettuce
  • lamb’s lettuce
  • black olives
  • a few slices of cucumber
  • a few blue grapes.

Also add a little tofu and garnish the salad with apple cider vinegar and a little olive oil.

On another plate you can treat yourself to a little hummus. By now you probably know that hummus is nothing more than a puree of garbanzo beans or chickpeas, making it a healthy and delicious addition for lunch.

Green smoothie

This delicious smoothie contains the following ingredients, and it is also healthy.

  • cabbage
  • half an avocado
  • cucumber
  • celery
  • half a glass of water

Also add a little olive oil. In addition to this smoothie, eat a pita bread with cherry tomatoes.

Other Healthy Options:
  • Spinach and garlic omelette, along with a salad of avocado, walnuts, celery and tomatoes.
  • Steamed Brussels sprouts with apple cider vinegar and olive oil,  with a glass of beet and apple juice. Also add cherry tomatoes with crushed garlic.
  • Grilled chicken breast with chives and asparagus,  with endive leaves and a little apple cider vinegar.
  • Cabbage juice with spinach and celery, with a wheat pita bread with mustard, watercress, tomato and a little avocado.
  • Scrambled eggs with asparagus, with a salad of spinach, walnuts and orange slices.
  • Chicken breast with tomato, garlic and asparagus,  with a salad of arugula, walnuts and pieces of apple.

An afternoon snack

You can also eat a snack when following alkaline diets, such as:

  • natural melon juice
  • almond milk
  • green tea
  • pieces of apple with walnuts or almonds.
  • berries, such as blackberries or blueberries

Dinner while following an alkaline diet

Carrot juice in an alkaline diet
  • Carrot soup with pumpkin,  with baked salmon with olive oil and chives.
  • Pumpkin puree,  along with fried chicken breast with a little mustard and cherry tomatoes.
  • Tuna with basmati rice and a little lemon juice and olive oil as a dressing.
  • Baked pumpkin, and an omelette with asparagus.
  • Celery soup with chopped almonds,  and a wheat pita bread with pieces of avocado, cherry tomatoes and pepper.
  • A little hummus, a salad of arugula, cabbage, tomato and a small piece of turkey breast cut into pieces.
  • A baked potato with olive oil,  salmon and an apple smoothie.
  • Caramelized carrots with cinnamon, whole wheat basmati rice with avocado, raisins, almonds and the juice of half a lemon.

It is best to stick to an alkaline diet three times a week.

However, there is one more aspect that you should not forget. When you suffer from a lot of stress on a daily basis, this causes your body to become out of balance. This weakens your immune system and your pH level will become unbalanced.

When your body cells are exposed to high levels of acid, they are no longer able to transport the same amount of oxygen and this can have long-term negative consequences for overall health. Try applying these tips to improve your quality of life:

  • Try to follow this diet at least three times a week.
  • Deal well with stressful and frightening situations.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Have yourself examined regularly to check the pH level. 

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