7 Natural Remedies For Hypertension

It is recommended to eat foods that have diuretic properties to eliminate the excess fluid and sodium that can be associated with hypertension from the body.
7 natural remedies for hypertension

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a common cardiovascular problem around the world. This is also often seen as ‘the silent killer’ due to the way it develops in the body.

According to information released by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, one in three adults in the Netherlands suffers from hypertension. This means that at least one third of the population suffers from this problem.

The fact that so many people have high blood pressure has prompted more studies around the world. However, many people are still unaware of the risks of high blood pressure and do not seek the right treatment.

As a result, health authorities are constantly trying to promote healthy lifestyles and release information on the subject.

So one of the first steps you should take to control and treat hypertension is to educate yourself about the risks of high blood pressure. Armed with this information, you can discover how to lower your blood pressure naturally and avoid being completely dependent on drugs.

Natural remedies for hypertension

Raw almonds

Almonds against hypertension

One handful of raw almonds a day can help control blood pressure thanks to the essential omega-3 fatty acids contained in these nuts. These fatty acids help to lower cholesterol and improve heart function.

Just because almonds are high in fats and calories doesn’t necessarily mean they will make you gain weight; the fat from almonds is a healthy type of fat and can help to increase muscle mass.

coconut water

Coconut water is delicious, refreshing and perfect for hydrating the body during hot days when you generally lose more moisture.

The drink is high in potassium, electrolytes and other nutrients that can help lower blood pressure.

A study published in the West Indian Medical Journal shows that drinking coconut water can help regulate blood pressure, both when blood pressure is too high and when it is too low.

Up to 71% of patients in this study saw their blood pressure drop by drinking coconut water. And up to 29% of patients whose blood pressure was too low saw that drinking coconut water brought their blood pressure to a good level.



Oatmeal is especially valued for its high fiber content and essential nutrients. That is why it is also a good natural remedy for lowering blood pressure.

A study conducted by researchers at Columbia University found that consuming oatmeal can help lower blood pressure by up to five percent. During this study, it was also discovered that oatmeal can also control blood pressure and prevent heart disease.


Turmeric earns a spot on this list of curatives because it contains curcumin, a compound that gives turmeric an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect.

One of the main benefits of turmeric is that it is very powerful in inhibiting inflammation. In addition, it can help control blood pressure and other inflammatory problems.

When you consume turmeric in combination with black pepper, it can also have a vasodilator effect. This is ideal for improving circulation and keeping the artery walls clean. In addition, turmeric is also a natural anti-coagulant that can help regulate blood flow.

Lemon and parsley smoothie

Smoothie of parsley and lemon

Thanks to its diuretic effect, drinking this smoothie daily can help lower high blood pressure. Both lemon and parsley contain important nutrients that help expel moisture and excess sodium. And both the fluid and sodium are associated with hypertension.


  • 1 lemon, with peel
  • a handful of parsley
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • Cut the lemon, with peel, into slices. Place the slices in the blender along with the handful of parsley and the glass of water.
  • Then mix the ingredients for a few seconds, strain the mixture and drink the drink before breakfast.


Banana is one of the best sources of potassium in the world. Potassium is an essential mineral for people with high blood pressure. Therefore, it is recommended to eat at least two servings of bananas per day, accompanied by a healthy diet.


Garlic for high blood pressure

Raw garlic contains a concentrated amount of very important nutrients that have been known in natural medicine since ancient times.

Eating one or two chopped garlic cloves every day can help prevent high blood pressure. This is mainly due to the sulfur content. Sulfur promotes circulation and lowers blood pressure.

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