8 Unknown Health Benefits Of Cinnamon

Cinnamon can be very effective for people with diabetes, but always talk to a doctor before adjusting your normal treatment.
8 Unknown Health Benefits Of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is one of the oldest spices in existence. It comes from Sri Lanka and is made from the  Cinnamomum verum  tree. It is very popular worldwide because of its use in the kitchen and other places in the home as well.

So, today we are sharing some of the many and surprising health benefits of cinnamon.

8 benefits of cinnamon for your health

Cinnamon and cinnamon sticks

The health benefits of cinnamon are well known. Indeed, its healing power can help alleviate various ailments, thanks to some of its active ingredients (

It contains anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antibacterial and anticoagulant properties that can be used in alternative medicine to treat various diseases.

It is also a source of polyphenols, antioxidants and minerals, such as manganese, calcium and iron, and dietary fiber. So let’s take a closer look at eight of the amazing health benefits.

1. Treat Type 2 Diabetes

Blood sugar spike

The benefits of cinnamon to treat type 2 diabetes are not unknown. Consuming this spice on an empty stomach or after meals can help lower blood glucose levels.

This is possible due to the cinnamtannin B1 it contains, which stimulates the insulin receptors and inhibits the enzymes that deactivate them. This allows the cells to use the glucose more easily.

2. Improves Digestion

Some of the components in cinnamon, including iron, dietary fiber and calcium, help to improve the normal functioning of the digestive system. Bile salts stick to these components and can thus be removed from our body.

They can be harmful to your colon if not removed properly 

In addition, this spice is used to fight diarrhea, as it controls the contraction of the intestines. It can also be used to treat irritable bowel syndrome.

3. Stops Nausea and Vomiting

This spice works great when you feel nauseous and have to throw up. Since it is a natural product, pregnant women can use it to combat those annoying morning sickness during the first months of pregnancy.

4. Influenza and Respiratory Diseases

Common cold

The herb also works to treat colds, fevers and other respiratory infections. Simply add a few teaspoons of cinnamon to your tea, along with fresh ginger, and you will notice that your temperature or fever drops and you stop coughing. 

In addition, this herb gives off a rich aroma for people who have the flu.

The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of cinnamon guarantee that your cold will be relieved.

5. Protects Against Heart Disease

Cinnamon’s anti-inflammatory properties also work against heart disease. If you’re trying to protect your heart and arteries, using cinnamon is a good option. It helps to keep bad cholesterol low and prevent cardiovascular diseases in the long term.

The same anti-inflammatory properties also help heal inflamed internal tissues and reduce the risk of heart attack.

6. Stimulates the functioning of the brain


Cinnamon has been scientifically proven to boost brain function in older adults. Among other things, it improves:

  • Attention
  • Recognition
  • The memory
  • The visual recognition process

The smell of cinnamon aids cognitive memory. That is why it is good if you are easily distracted or have difficulty concentrating. It gives a wonderful aroma, so you can easily add it to your coffee, for example.

7. A Powerful Anticoagulant

Cinnamon prevents platelets from sticking together faster than normal. Therefore, it is often recommended to women who are menstruating, as it can reduce pain and give a feeling of relief.

8. A Powerful Multivitamin

Cinnamon includes:

  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitamin C
  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus
  • Calcium

Although you only consume a small dose of the spice, it already provides the body with all the vitamins and minerals it needs to function optimally.

How Much Cinnamon Should You Consume To Enjoy Its Benefits?


The recommended amount to take is between one and six grams. This amount depends on your weight, age and health. To enjoy all the benefits, it is therefore best to take between two and four grams (half to full teaspoon).

It is never a good idea to play doctor yourself, so we recommend that you consult a doctor before starting any treatment with this spice.

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