8 Tips For Ending A Relationship On Good Terms

Ending a relationship with someone in a healthy and thoughtful way can be the beginning of the healing process and positive growth.
8 tips to end a relationship on good terms

In most cases, ending a relationship is not easy. This is especially true because emotions can run high and it can be difficult for us to close an era as well. It’s never easy to say goodbye.

In these kinds of situations, we have to struggle not only with our own emotions, but also with the emotions of the other person.

When someone is really important to us, we do our best to find the right words or do the right things to minimize their pain. In doing so, in a way we look for assurance that everything will be okay.

In order to help both people move forward and find their own way after the end of a relationship, we need to think about the following aspects.

1. Don’t wait for the perfect moment

papers for a divorce

Some people can’t bring themselves to end a relationship because they think there is a perfect time to do so. The truth, however, is different. There is no perfect time for the end and that is why we should not wait to do it.

Trying to find the perfect circumstances to end a relationship can harm us just as much, if not more, than being indifferent to the situation.

We recommend that you prepare for the breakup if you think that the relationship you are in is not going anywhere. For starters , you can stop to make plans together. This step prepares you to open the conversation.

Remember, you don’t need anyone’s permission and you don’t have to be better than anyone to end a relationship. Not wanting to be in the relationship anymore is more than enough reason to end it. You must be able to trust yourself as well as your decisions and goodwill.

2. Prepare the place to end a relationship

If you’re ready to end a relationship, find a quiet place where you can have a good conversation. Avoid distractions and stressful elements. It can be anywhere as long as you feel comfortable and can talk easily without feeling watched or judged.

3. Don’t forget to mention good things about the other person

Sincerity is key in any conversation. However, when ending a relationship, it is even more necessary.

In addition to sincerity, it is important to remember the positive aspects of the relationship. You should also remember the other person’s positive qualities to let them know that you appreciate them and feel for them a lot.

Sometimes we are afraid to start the conversation because we know that we will be immediately labeled as the bad guy. However, if you know why the relationship isn’t working, then you should talk about it as soon as possible. If you do that, you will both have the opportunity to grow and look for other relationships.

4. End the relationship face-to-face

Digital media can facilitate communication, but they cannot completely replace certain things. When we need to end a relationship, it’s best to meet face-to-face in person. We all need a little dedication from others. Especially when we need an explanation.

Think about it: don’t hurt others the way you don’t want others to hurt you. If you’re concerned about not being able to express yourself properly, organize your thoughts first.

You can use any method you like, even on paper. However, the most important thing is to find the physical space and time for the other person.

5. Make sure you use clear words

man and woman in unclear conversation

Sometimes we think that talking about ending a relationship is enough to actually end it, even if we’re not clear in what we’re saying. The problem is that for one person the message may be clear, but for the other it is not.

To avoid any kind of confusion or any doubt on the other side, be clear with your words. Use words like:

  • ‘end’
  • ‘not being a couple anymore’
  • ‘break up’

Talking in this way makes the situation clear to both. It is the first step to move forward.

6. Don’t Compare

Even if you think you have the worst relationship, don’t compare yourself to the other person. Comparing is bitter and does not help you in any way. Keep in mind that you both worked together and while it didn’t work out, there were also good moments.

If you are currently in another relationship or if you are with a new person and therefore have decided to end your current relationship, avoid making the other person feel bad. It’s not healthy for you, it’s not healthy for anyone.

7. Take your responsibilities and avoid punishing the other person

people in therapy

In a romantic relationship there are two people. Those two people are responsible for what happens between them. So, blaming your partner for the decision to end the relationship is not healthy.

Remember that blaming the other implies a need for punishment. There is no reason to punish anyone.

8. Take a deep breath

While breaking up, it is normal to go through a lot of emotions. At some point, your partner may be harsh or make hurtful comments.

If you notice that happening, suggest taking a breather. Take a walk or even look at the horizon in silence for a few minutes.

With these tips for ending a relationship, we hope you can overcome them as best you can. You can do it!

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