8 Beauty Uses For Baking Soda

Baking soda can help whiten your teeth, but it should not be overused as it is very corrosive and could damage your tooth enamel.
8 Beauty Uses For Baking Soda

However, many people think that it is necessary to spend a lot of money on expensive cosmetics and beauty products to stay beautiful. Fortunately, there are also ways to stay beautiful with natural products, such as these baking soda beauty applications.

We all want to stay beautiful and radiant in order to feel good about ourselves and so that people in the street occasionally turn around to look at us.

People don’t realize that they already have everything they need for the best beauty treatment for their hair, skin and even teeth. One of the best products can be found in almost every home: sodium bicarbonate or baking soda.

We already know that this product has many uses, both in the kitchen and for our health, but below we show you that it also has many beauty uses.

One of the biggest advantages of baking soda is that it is so cheap. It can also be found in almost every store. Want to know our eight best beauty uses for baking soda? Then keep reading!

Eight beauty uses for baking soda


Beauty experts recommend exfoliating your skin regularly to remove dead cells, as well as dirt that builds up on your skin from day to day. Baking soda is your best friend when it comes to peels.

This is how you do it:

  • Mix one part waker with three parts baking soda.
  • Gently massage it into your skin in circular motions.
  • Then rinse with warm water and then use a moisturizer.

Deep cleaning of the hair

Baking soda in the hair

Oils and other contaminants are accumulated in our hair every day, making our hair look and feel greasy. One of the best beauty uses for baking soda for this problem is a mixture of baking soda and shampoo.

This is how you work:

  • Mix a teaspoon of baking soda into your shampoo.
  • Massage this into your hair with gentle movements.
  • Then leave it on for ten minutes, after which you rinse it off.

Your hair will be clean and feel fresh!

Knees and Elbows

The knees and elbows are two regions on the body that are very prone to dehydration.

To moisturize these parts of the body, simply add a little baking soda to your moisturizer  and massage it on the dry and hardened areas of your body.

Silky hands

Hand cream with baking soda

For healthy hands and nails you can make a paste with a little water and some baking soda. Massage this over your hands and nails. They will become very soft and they will be free of filth and dead cells.

Whiter teeth

Baking soda is an effective and all-natural whitener. It is even used in certain commercial toothpastes due to its whitening properties.

  • To naturally whiten your teeth, mix a little baking soda with some water and a pinch of salt. Use the paste you form as a result to brush your teeth.
  • Another application is to use baking soda as a mouthwash. This will prevent bad smelling breath.

Do not use this remedy too often so as not to damage your enamel.

Natural deodorant

Baking soda in jar

Baking soda is the ideal ingredient to remove bad odors, making it also perfect for getting rid of bad odors caused by perspiration .

  • You can apply it as a paste under the armpits or choose to add half a cup of baking soda to your bath.
  • You can also use it to remove stains caused by the use of commercial deodorants and antiperspirants.

Acne Treatment

Baking soda is also very effective as a treatment against those pesky pimples and blackheads, as well as to counteract excessive production of oil by your skin.

  • Just mix a little baking soda with lemon juice and apply it on the affected area.
  • However, it is important to apply this remedy at night, as the sunlight could leave brown spots on your skin.

Relax and soothe tired feet

Tired feet

Our feet need special attention to relax after a long day at work and to clear your feet of dead skin cells. Baking soda will help you keep your feet beautiful and healthy.

Just add three tablespoons of baking soda to a basin of warm water and soak your feet in it.

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