7 Mistakes Parents Make On The First Day Of School

When children go to school, it is an adjustment process. While parents can help their kids transition from home to school, they can easily disrupt it by making the following mistakes.
7 mistakes parents make on the first day of school

When your child is no longer “your baby” and becomes a child starting his journey through the education system, then as a parent you can make a lot of mistakes when it comes to helping them adjust to school.

After years of caring for your child, it makes sense that leaving them in the care of a teacher for the first time can be difficult. You may start to feel nervous and emotional. This separation is difficult for both children and their parents.

However, you are an adult and you need to help your child. The problem is that sometimes people let their feelings get the better of them and they make mistakes that make it difficult for a child to go to school for the first time.

The 7 mistakes parents make

mother and son laughing together

After making some effort to find the best school for your child, you must trust them and help them adapt immediately to this new phase of life. The time it takes to like the school depends on each child.

When your child first starts school, it’s easy to make one of these seven mistakes parents make. Sometimes, instead of helping them, it may become more difficult for your child to transition into this new phase of life. So pay attention to the following common mistakes because they are avoidable situations.

1. Not preparing your child

Not preparing your child for school is perhaps the biggest of all mistakes parents make. Children need to know in advance what they will experience. You need to talk to them in advance to prepare them.

A good measure is to let your child participate in the preparations for going to school. Taking your child to buy school supplies can be a lot of fun. Knowing that they will be using their school supplies in a few days is very good for children.

For many children, it is enough for their parents to tell them what they are going to do to be able to say goodbye to their old life and go to school. If you want to prevent your child from developing a school phobia, you need to prepare him before he starts this new phase of life.

2. Crying in front of your child

Let’s be honest. It’s hard to see children cry, be upset, or be afraid of being in a new place with people they don’t know. Of course, that can make everyone want to cry!

However, remember that you are the best example your child has for learning to control their emotions.

Losing control is one of the worst mistakes a parent can make. Your child is already nervous about this new experience and this reality can get even worse when he sees his parents’ watery eyes. It will make it less easy for him to go to school.

If you are going to cry, you must do so outside the school grounds. This first separation is a very strong emotion that will last for a few days. However, you will see that your child will gradually become more relaxed.

3. Go back to your child when you hear him cry

father talking to sad daughter

This is one of the most common mistakes parents make. If you’ve already said hello and you hear your child crying or screaming, don’t try to go back. It is one of the most damaging mistakes a parent can make on their child’s first day of school.

School staff are trained to help calm your child. The majority of children usually calm down quickly, just a few minutes after their parents leave. They begin to respond to their environment, some sooner than others, but they will eventually adapt.

In some cases, a child may not be able to calm down and then the school staff will definitely call their parents to pick them up before school ends. However, this is not so common.

Teachers know how to deal with children who cry. Do yourself and your child a favor: don’t go back.

4. Checking your child while he is at school

Do not walk around the school to check on your child. It would be a big mistake to do that. If your child sees you after they have calmed down, he may want to come with you. You don’t want to have to say goodbye again.

This would only cause him to relive his fear and make it harder for him to adjust.

We know you would like to know how your child is coping with school. However, you should wait until school ends and ask your child about his experience directly.

5. Leaving Without Saying Goodbye

Saying goodbye is a crucial moment during your child’s first school days. Children will put on their sad faces and ask their parents not to leave, otherwise they will start to cry loudly. Leaving without your child noticing is another mistake parents make. It’s not the solution.

On the contrary, you can bring about the negative sensation of abandonment. The best thing to do is say goodbye.

Give him a quick kiss, tell him how much you love him, that you’ll come back later and hope he has a nice first day at school. Also give him a hug and a goodbye kiss. Whatever you do, don’t sneak out.

6. Taking a very long time to say goodbye

not leaving one of the mistakes parents make

Don’t sneak away and don’t take very long to say goodbye. Again, your goodbyes should be brief. If you take too long, you could give him the wrong impression and maybe make him think you’re staying. Also, don’t promise you’ll stay when you know you won’t.

And if the teacher needs to calm down your child, then you will only remind him that you left and then the teaching atmosphere will become tense. By saying goodbye briefly you will help the teacher and your child.

7. Reprimand your child for crying or compare him to other children

Kids can feel scared on their first day of school, so it can get worse if you scold him and compare him to other kids. It is normal for a child to cry for the first few days. Some children will adapt faster than others, but making a child feel worse won’t help them adapt.

The first few days at school can be easy for many children. However, it is possible that after the fifth day they suddenly start crying. This happens in some cases.

So, be patient, don’t worry and don’t put any pressure on him either. Give him a hug, say hello and while he may cry a little, don’t go back.

Here are the 7 avoidable mistakes parents make without realizing it. These mistakes can also complicate their children’s adjustment process.

So after reading these mistakes, you don’t have to make them. You now know what to look out for. It may be difficult for you, but it is in your child’s best interest.

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