6 Habits That Affect Kidney Health

Holding your urine for too long can cause inflammation and kidney problems. Did you know? Learn more about it in this article and other bad habits that affect kidney health.

The kidneys are the organs that work all day long to filter waste from the blood. It is therefore important to pay close attention to the health of your kidneys.

During the day, they process an estimated 190 liters of blood and filter about two liters of water and toxins. They also play a very important role in the secretion of certain hormones and in controlling blood pressure.

Like the other organs in your body, the kidneys can eventually be compromised as a result of disease or excessive waste build-up.

The problem is that many people don’t realize what measures to take to keep their kidneys healthy. On the contrary, people actually sometimes have habits that are harmful to the kidneys.

Most worryingly, after a few days, your kidneys can be very weak. In the end, they will really affect your quality of life, even if you won’t notice anything at first.

That’s why we want to take this opportunity to give you some explanation about six habits that affect kidney health.  Read on and find out what habits they are!

6 Habits That Affect Kidney Health

1. Not drinking enough water

One contributing factor to kidney and urinary tract problems is not drinking enough water.

This vital fluid is essential for optimal detoxification processes. Together with the kidneys, it is responsible for removing the toxins from the blood.

Dehydration can lead to kidney stones, while also increasing the risk of infections and other inflammatory problems.

Some suggestions:

  • Drink between six and eight glasses of water a day.
  • Increase water intake by eating fruits and vegetables that are high in water.
  • Drink healthy drinks such as tea or fruit water.

2. Excessive use of salt

Some have a bad habit of using a lot of salt. The build-up of sodium in the body can cause serious imbalances in the kidneys and cardiovascular system.

Eating foods high in salt is a direct cause of high blood pressure and fluid retention. These conditions are linked to poor kidney function. This is because too much sodium causes the kidneys to be too slow to remove the excess minerals through the urine.

What can you do?

  • Replace refined salt with Himalayan salt or sea salt.
  • Use no more than three grams of salt a day (that’s half a teaspoon).
  • Look for alternatives to flavor your food. Use healthy spices and herbs.

3. Excessive use of alcoholic beverages

Although alcohol primarily affects the liver, the toxins in alcohol also affect the kidneys. Excessive and regular consumption of alcoholic beverages can cause kidney failure and serious damage.

Drink alcohol in moderation, including red wine, or avoid alcoholic beverages.

4. Eating red meat

Red meat contains nutrients that are good for health,  but eating too much red meat can lead to metabolism and kidney problems.

The excess of protein and fat makes your excretory organs work harder. As a result, they are less able to remove toxins.

Red meat is also high in purine, which is converted into uric acid in the body. Uric acid gradually builds up in body tissues and can cause chronic conditions such as kidney stones and gout.


  • Eat no more than two servings of red meat per week.
  • Replace red meat with healthier alternatives such as chicken, fish or turkey.

5. Postpone urination

Holding back the need to urinate is a very dangerous habit. It may seem harmless, but it can lead to inflammation in the kidneys.

Sometimes you may not be able to go to the toilet immediately, but it is ideal to do this as soon as possible and avoid those problems.

When you regularly need to urinate for a long time, it increases the pressure on the urinary tract. This affects both the kidneys and the bladder.

What can you do?

  • Go to the toilet as soon as your body tells you to.
  • Do not drink too much when there is no toilet nearby.

6. Abusing Painkillers

Painkillers help with common ailments and aches. Unfortunately, they have some side effects if overused.

The chemicals in painkillers have to be converted in the body and often cause kidney and liver problems.

How can you handle this?

  • Reduce the use of painkillers as much as you can.
  • Replace them as much as possible with natural remedies such as medicinal tea.

Do you recognize any of these habits in yourself? So make an effort to change them to maintain the health of your kidneys. Your kidneys will thank you.

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