6 Essential Oils That Reduce The Symptoms Of Allergies

To take advantage of these essential oils that reduce the symptoms of allergies, make sure the oils are high-quality and organic.
6 Essential Oils That Reduce Allergy Symptoms

Allergies are a common condition. Symptoms of allergies therefore occur when your immune system reacts to external substances. Just think of dust, pollen and the hair of some animals.

They occur when your body produces histamine. This is a substance that causes inflammation and irritation in, among other things, your respiratory system. This is a condition that resurfaces with every exposure to allergens.

It is generally harmless and the symptoms of allergies are usually not a serious problem. However, it can be very unpleasant. That’s because the symptoms they cause keep coming back. Just think of a runny nose, itching and other symptoms.

There are even a few cases where the symptoms of allergies caused visual problems. That makes it difficult to do certain daily activities. Fortunately, there are a number of natural remedies. For example, there are even essential oils that help reduce the symptoms of allergies.

Their antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties help speed up recovery. In this article, we want to share our knowledge about the six best symptom-relieving essential oils with you in detail. This way you can try them the next time you suffer from an allergy attack.

Essential Oils That Reduce Allergy Symptoms

We discuss six different oils that can help you manage the symptoms of allergies.

1. Mint Oil

Mint Oil May Reduce Allergy Symptoms

Mint oil has strong histamine dampening and expectorant properties. These can help reduce the symptoms of allergies. Mint oil is great for treating  congestion and irritation.

The antioxidant properties also increase the cleansing of the airways. They also reduce the inflammatory response.

When inhaled, they help reduce the excessive production of mucus. It also ensures that you are less troubled by watery eyes and sneezing.

How do you use it?

  • Add a little mint oil to boiling water. 
  • Inhale these vapors for five minutes.
  • You can optionally take a little oil and rub it on areas such as your chest and back.

2. Chamomile Oil

Chamomile oil also has anti-inflammatory and relaxing properties. These help fight the symptoms of allergies and ease the body’s reactions.

When applied topically, chamomile oil will help relieve your skin irritation or itchiness. It also relieves red eyes and congestion of the nose and sinuses.

How do you use it?

  • Rub a little chamomile oil on the irritated areas of your skin.
  • Use this oil to massage your back, chest and neck. 
  • Add a teaspoon of chamomile oil to a cup of warm water and drink it twice a day.

3. Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus Oil To Relieve Allergy Symptoms

Eucalyptus oil is one of the natural expectorants. These products can help treat a variety of respiratory ailments.

The active compounds promote the healing of nasal congestion. It also improves your breathing when your body is fighting viral or bacterial infections, for example.

The histamine-damping properties reduce the symptoms of seasonal allergies. Finally, it soothes the irritation caused by pet hair.

How do you use it?

  • Add a small amount of eucalyptus oil to a pan of boiling water.
  • Then inhale its vapors for five minutes.
  • Alternatively, you can dilute the oil in some warm water.
  • Wet a compress with this and place it on your chest and head.

4. Thyme oil

Thyme oil is an anti-inflammatory and expectorant product. It supports treatments for allergies and respiratory problems.

The active ingredients promote the relief of irritated airways. At the same time, it keeps mucus production under control.

In fact, thyme oil is even said to have antibiotic and antifungal properties. These properties may be key to boosting your immune system’s response.

How do you use it?

  • Take a small amount of thyme oil.
  • Massage this on the affected areas such as your chest and back.
  • You can also add two or three drops to your tea.
  • That way you can also reap the benefits of thyme oil internally.

5. Lemon Oil

 Lemon Oil To Relieve Allergy Symptoms

Lemon essential oil offers many benefits. It is also an effective solution for constipation and can be used to combat mucus production due to allergies.

Its detoxifying and anti-inflammatory power stimulates the excretion of toxins. In addition, it improves the immune system’s response to external substances from the environment.

It also has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. These help create a barrier, for example against viruses, bacteria and fungi that attack your body.

How do you use it?

  • Use a small amount of lemon oil to massage your chest and back if you have rhinitis.
  • Combine a little lemon oil with olive oil if you suffer from skin allergies. Then massage it in until it is completely absorbed.

6. Lavender Oil

Lavender oil is a relaxing product. As a result, it helps to open your airways. This is especially true if you suffer from allergies or viral infections.

The properties calm the pain in your head. It also helps to reduce constipation and sneezes.

It can also be used to treat your skin. For example, it can be used  if you suffer from itching or hives.

How do you use it?

  • Add a little lavender oil to boiling water. Then inhale its vapors for five minutes.
  • Use the oil to relax during aromatherapy sessions.

Do you suffer from recurring allergies? Then buy one or a few of the oils we’ve mentioned and try them out for yourself. You will see how well they work. This way you can relieve the symptoms of allergies that make you feel sick.

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