5 Mindfulness Exercises To Sleep Better

One of the basic practices of mindfulness is to focus on your breathing and listen to the sounds around you. This can help you fall asleep more easily and enjoy a restful sleep.
5 exercises in mindfulness to sleep better

Mindfulness  is a technique that has become established in medicine and in Western psychology in recent years. It is used to reduce stress, increase self-awareness and reduce symptoms associated with stress. The effects of stress can be both physical and psychological.

Mindfulness or mindfulness uses a number of simple exercises. They can especially help you to focus your attention on consciousness. Moreover, they make it possible to make the most of every moment. The keywords in this technique are interest, curiosity and acceptance.

Sleep better with mindfulness

One of the benefits of mindfulness is that you can sleep better. The reason is that the exercises help to greatly improve the quality of sleep. This may be a suitable aid for adults who suffer from certain mild sleeping problems.

Use mindfulness and discover a system that changes your old sleeping rituals. In this way you can ensure a better sleep, which can offer enormous benefits for the next day.

To sleep

Make time for yourself

After all, it is especially important that you learn how to make time for yourself. Some people live under constant stress. They may find it difficult to find five minutes each day to connect with their inner self.

But if you think about this for a moment, the ten or fifteen or twenty minutes you invest in your own health every day isn’t much after all. Try to remember this. Put it into practice and add it to your daily activities.

Exercises in mindfulness

It’s time you made  mindfulness  an important part of your life. Ultimately, it’s about having the right attitude. It can encourage you to focus your attention on the here and now without making judgments.

It can also help you feel compassion for yourself and others. The only way to achieve this is if you are able to see what is happening inside and around you. Be sure to read on and learn more about this technique!

1. Breathing is the core of this mindfulness practice

The key to mindfulness is learning to breathe correctly. Look up some breathing techniques to learn how to do this. You will find that five minutes of deep and full breathing makes a big difference.

It can improve the quality of your sleep. You will notice a possible clear difference between the sleep you used to enjoy and what you experience with this exercise.

2. Do the things that make you feel good

It is important that you know yourself well. You should see how you can make yourself feel better and completely relaxed. You can do this in several ways. Listen to a song, watch a video, close your eyes, think of a happy memory, go for a walk or exercise.

We can do many things to enjoy ourselves and make us feel good. Plus, we don’t really need to invest a lot of time doing those things. What we simply need is enough distraction so that we can gain a new perspective on our feelings. That’s enough to make you relax.

3. Learn how to perform a body awareness exercise


This is an easy exercise. It can help you get in touch with your body as it is. That means without any kind of judgment. There will be no rejection and discomfort or clinging to the things you like.

Another name for this exercise is  body scan. Sit in a comfortable position to begin this exercise and reap the benefits it can provide.

  • Keep the back straight. However, you can also perform this exercise while lying down.
  • Close your eyes and let the attention go to your breathing.
  • Scan your body to find out what it feels like.
  • You will immediately notice the difference!

4. Start the morning stress-free

How can you start every day without stress? For that you first have to sit down in a quiet place. That means that you have to turn off the television so that it is completely silent. What you also need to do is put your phone somewhere far away from you. The intention is that you are not distracted.

When you sit down to eat, pay close attention to the flavors, smells, and texture of the food and drinks. Feel the properties of what you eat and drink!

This is a way to focus your attention on the here and now. You will notice the difference. Be mindful from the morning. It will help you immensely for the rest of the day.

5. Now focus your attention directly on the sounds around you


That means that you very consciously focus your attention on the sounds that occur around you. Also try to keep listening.

  • Just hear the sounds as they are. Do not try to identify or name the sounds. Also, don’t judge them as pleasant or annoying. The idea is that you don’t think about the sounds  ,  but just  listen.
  • Listen to the sounds without any effort. Release all other perceptions from the environment.
  • When you notice a distraction, try to discover what exactly grabs your attention. Then you return and listen to the sounds again.

We strongly recommend using a breathing technique right now as well. After all, it is an excellent exercise, which comes from mindfulness.

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