5 Legumes That Can Help You Lose Fat

Legumes are good for you in several ways. There are legumes that can help you lose fat. Read on to discover them.
5 legumes that can help you lose fat

Legumes contain a lot of protein, fiber and make you feel full. They are also undeniably tasty and versatile. Read on and discover the 5 legumes that help you lose fat.

Research, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , has shown that eating a portion of legumes helps to relax mentally and feel full.

This article shows you the best legumes that can help you lose fat. Whatever you may think, you’ll find that these legumes wo n’t make you heavier, if prepared properly.

Legumes That Can Help You Lose Fat

1. Chickpeas

Chickpeas have many benefits

The first legumes on this list are chickpeas. These really help you lose weight. This legume contains a lot of fermentable fiber. This type of fiber increases the volume of food in your stomach. This makes you feel full faster and you have less appetite. This then helps you lose weight.


This creamy spread is made from chickpea puree. It is mixed with natural flavor enhancers that give it a great and unique taste. It goes well with healthy snacks rather than fried foods.

  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 240 grams cooked chickpeas (one and a half cups)
  • 100 ml water (one and a half glass)
  • 60 ml lemon juice (4 tablespoons)
  • 30 grams of tahini (2 tablespoons)
  • Olive oil and salt (to taste)
  • First, soak the chickpeas in the water for a day to soften them.
  • Then mix the chickpeas with the garlic, lemon juice, tahini, olive oil and some salt.
  • Is the mixture a little too thick? Then dilute it by gradually adding water until you reach the desired consistency.
  • Then put the hummus in a glass jar with a lid on it. Then keep it in the fridge.
  • Finally, you can eat it with celery sticks or pieces of bread.

2. Lentils

These weight loss legumes are a great source of folate, dietary fiber, manganese, phosphorus, copper, vitamin B1, and potassium. A half cup of cooked lentils (about 100 grams) contains more than 2.5 mg of iron and up to 11 grams of protein. They:

  • help lower your bad (LDL) cholesterol.
  • also give you more energy.
  • Finally, help stabilize your blood sugar level.

Lentil croquettes

  • 180 grams lentils (1 cup)
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 15 grams chopped parsley (1 tablespoon)
  • 15 grams oregano (1 tablespoon)
  • 1 egg
  • breadcrumbs
  • Olive oil, salt and pepper (to taste)
  • First, mix the lentils with the garlic, parsley and oregano. Add a pinch of salt and pepper.
  • Then mix the egg and breadcrumbs in a bowl to make a kind of dough.
  • Then make croquettes from the dough and the filling and fry or grill them to your preference.

3. Kidney beans

Kidney beans are great legumes

Only 100 grams of this cooked legume contains no less than 8.5 grams of dietary fiber. This makes it one of the great legumes that can help you lose fat. Kidney beans improve bowel movements. This is extremely important for your health.

Vegetarian Frijoles Charros

  • 400 grams of kidney beans (2 cups)
  • Water (as much as needed)
  • 1 finely chopped onion
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • Salt and pepper (to taste)
  • 45 grams sliced ​​leeks (half a cup)
  • 58 grams sliced ​​radishes (half a cup)
  • 230 grams sliced ​​carrots (2 cups)
  • 50 grams chopped celery (50 grams)
  • A bunch of parsley
  • First cook the kidney beans with some salt, garlic and half the chopped onion until they are soft.
  • Meanwhile, fry half of the sliced ​​onion together with the leek, radishes and celery.
  • Then add salt and pepper to taste.
  • Then add the carrot pieces to the pan and stir fry them for 5 minutes on low heat until golden brown.
  • Then add the kidney bean stock and cook until all the flavors are well absorbed.
  • Garnish with the parsley and then serve.

4. Soybeans

Soybeans are also great legumes that can help you lose fat. They contain a lot of proteins, essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and omega-3 fatty acids.

Soybean burgers

  • 200 grams soaked soybeans (1 cup)
  • 1 egg
  • one small finely chopped onion
  • 1 finely chopped bell pepper
  • one boiled and mashed potato
  • 10 grams finely chopped parsley (1 tablespoon)
  • 75 grams breadcrumbs (half a cup)
  • Salt (to taste)
  • First, mix all ingredients except the breadcrumbs together.
  • Then shape it into a burger and cover with breadcrumbs.
  • Then fry the burger in hot oil and serve it in a hamburger bun, together with lettuce, tomato and onion.

5. Broad beans

legumes that help you lose fat like fava beans

Fava beans contain many good carbohydrates, vitamin B1, vitamin C, folic acid, manganese, proteins, dietary fiber and minerals such as potassium, iron, copper, phosphorus and magnesium. Best of all, they contain almost no fat.

Soup of broad beans

  • 252 grams of broad beans (2 cups)
  • 2 large tomatoes
  • 1 small finely chopped onion
  • 1 finely chopped garlic clove
  • 32 grams of olive oil (2 tablespoons)
  • 86 grams cup cooked, sliced ​​and drained nopal (1 cup)
  • Salt, white pepper and coriander (to taste)


  • First, soak the broad beans in water overnight.
  • Then cook them in a pan until soft.
  • Then fry the onion with the garlic and the tomato and let it cook for about 15 minutes on low heat.
  • Then add the portion of sliced ​​nopal.
  • Add the tomato mixture to the broad bean stock. Add salt and pepper to taste and cook for a few more minutes before serving.

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