4 Tricks To Reduce Dry Skin

Did you know that showering can be harmful to your skin and cause dryness? To prevent dry skin, showering once a day is sufficient. In addition, drink enough water to hydrate your body from the inside. 
4 tricks to reduce dry skin

Many people fight to have beautiful, glowing and hydrated skin. Are you getting the results you want? If not yet, our tips to reduce dry skin may help.

Your skin is the largest organ in your body. It regulates many vital functions such as:

  • Protect against UV radiation.
  • Regulate your internal temperature.

Why should you strive to reduce dry skin?

Your skin is normally also  one of the first organs to indicate that something is wrong in your body. Therefore, maintaining healthy and hydrated skin is not just a priority to look good; you should also do it to keep your body healthy. 

Follow this advice to reduce dry skin.

1. Drink enough water


Drinking enough water is one  of the most important things you need to do to have glowing and healthy skin. 

Many people believe that rubbing their face with expensive creams will help keep the skin in perfect condition, however, these creams only moisturize the surface of the skin. Remember that cream only moisturizes the first layer of the skin. This is only true for very good creams. Water hydrates your body from within. This affects all layers of the skin.

At least  eight glasses of water a day!

Drinking at least eight glasses of water helps prevent dry skin. When you increase the amount of water you drink, you will immediately experience changes in the softness and complexion of your skin.

There is also a possibility to get effect faster. In addition to drinking at least eight glasses of water a day, you should also use a good cream to reduce dryness. This way you benefit twice!

2. Stop bathing or showering so much

Many people believe that if they have dry skin, they should take a long bath or shower. They think this will moisturize the skin. Yet  this is a myth  that the cosmetics and soap manufacturers take advantage of.

Showering too much will only make dry skin worse.  This is because when you shower you use products with a lot of chemicals. These remove the build-up of dirt from the day, but also remove the protective layer of skin.

Be careful with hot water

This layer is also affected when you come into contact with hot water. This way your skin will look even drier.

To avoid these problems, remember the following:

  • Wash yourself  once a day,  unless you also perform physical activities.
  • Avoid being in the water for a long time.
  • Make sure the water is warm,  but not too hot.
  • Wash your armpits and feet with soap.
  • Use  neutral soaps for your intimate areas. 
  • Dry yourself as gently as possible.
  • When your skin is dry, apply a moisturizing oil to close your pores and nourish your skin.

3. Shave Properly to Reduce Dry Skin

Shaving with a razor can make dry skin worse. When you shave unwanted hairs, you also remove the natural oil from the skin. 

  • To prevent this, it is best to shave after  showering. At this point, your hair is softer and more flexible, resulting in easier shaving.
  • It is also important that you use a shaving gel or shaving cream. Then you shave with the hair growth to prevent ingrown hairs.
  • Make sure your razor is at the right angle to avoid irritation. When you are done, you should always apply a moisturizing cream. This reduces dry skin.
  • If you don’t have shaving gel or shaving cream, you can use coconut oil as an alternative  for its moisturizing properties. This way you don’t have to moisturize your skin extra after shaving. The oil has already done this for you.

4. Protect the skin


Solar radiation is one of the biggest causes of dry skin, wrinkles and roughness. You can prevent this damage by using a sunscreen (SPF 30) all year round. You think this may not be necessary when it’s cold, but you’re wrong! At this time of the year, you can replace SPF 30 for an SPF 15.

The acute climate change changes the balance of your skin. 

When it gets warmer, dress in layers to avoid overheating and excessive sweating. In the summer you wear light, loose-fitting long-sleeved shirts when you’re out in the sun. Also wear a hat or cap with a hood to protect your neck, ears and eyes. To prevent dry and cracked lips in the winter,  use a lip balm with SPF 15. 

Remember that your skin protects your body. Therefore, you should take good care of it and avoid getting dry skin.

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