4 Amazing Brown Sugar Exfoliants

You can combine brown sugar with other ingredients to remove dead skin cells and make exfoliants that can be very beneficial to your skin.
4 Amazing Brown Sugar Exfoliants

Does your skin look dull and like it needs some pampering? Then try one of the brown sugar exfoliants we discuss in this article.

Sugar is a frequently used ingredient when it comes to exfoliants. Sugar is gentle on sensitive skin, including our face.

In addition, sugar can also easily:

  • be able to remove residue
  • cleaning our pores
  • help with the regeneration of your cells

The following brown sugar exfoliants can give you incredible results regardless of your skin type. Are you ready to say goodbye to pesky blackheads and dry skin?

What kind of sugar should you use?

You can find all kinds of sugars in the supermarket, but not all of them work as exfoliants. As mentioned in the title of this article, we recommend using brown sugar exfoliants.

If you don’t have that, you can substitute brown sugar for other types of sugar, as long as it’s granulated sugar. Remember that as sugar is refined, it loses its caramel-like color. So try to avoid the very white options.

Discover these 4 exfoliants with brown sugar and natural ingredients

1. Brown Sugar and Citric Acid

Lemon and brown sugar

The first brown sugar exfoliant we want to share with you is great  for removing dark spots from the skin of your neck, elbows and knees.

This exfoliant can also help you improve the appearance of your skin, but be aware that you must stay out of the sun for at least 48 hours after exfoliating.


  • The juice of 1 lemon
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar (30 g)


  • Combine the two ingredients and keep the mixture.
  • After washing with soap and rinsing well from the skin, take the exfoliant and apply it with circular movements.
  • Rinse with warm water.
  • After drying, use your regular moisturizing cream. If you notice that your skin is drier than usual, use a little more cream or a small amount of olive oil.

2. Sugar and Green Tea

Green tea is said to have incredible antibacterial and antioxidant properties. That is why we recommend using this option if you suffer from pimples, stretch marks or wrinkles.

You can use this exfoliant all over your body or just in the areas where you suffer from the aforementioned problems. If you want to add an extra scent, use a few drops of an essential oil of your choice.


  • 1 cup of cold green tea (250 ml)
  • 1 cup brown sugar (200 g)


  • Combine the two ingredients. Make sure that any lumps dissolve in the sugar.
  • Store the mixture in a glass container and use it in the shower after rinsing off your soap.

3. Blackberry, coconut and brown sugar

Blackberries with coconut and brown sugar

Blackberries always have something interesting to offer. Not only do they taste delicious, but they can help you both inside and out.

Blackberries are rich in vitamins and antioxidants that can fight free radicals. That way you would look younger for longer. Coconut oil is said to increase the amount of antioxidants and also keeps your skin smooth.

However, these properties require even more scientific research, so use common sense and consult an expert first.

With his approval, you can try the scrub on places where you have wrinkles or scars. Perhaps your skin will soon look more even and the spots will be less visible.


  • 10 frozen blackberries
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar (100 g)
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil (100 g)


  • Crush the blackberries in a bowl until you have a kind of jam.
  • Add the sugar and oil and mix all three ingredients.
  • When you have a uniform jelly, place the mixture in a glass container with a lid and then use it to exfoliate in the shower.

4. Cubes with brown sugar and matcha

These cubes with brown sugar and matcha (a type of tea) are perfect for absorbing more antioxidants, cleansing your skin, and giving them a wonderful scent.

These blokes would be perfect for those with sensitive skin that reacts badly to regular, commercial soaps. Please consult your doctor before replacing your normal soap with this natural product.


  • 200 grams basic soap
  • 2 tablespoons matcha powder (30 g)
  • 1 tablespoon almond oil (15 g)
  • 2 tablespoons coffee powder (30 g)
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar (100 g)


  • Melt the soap according to the instructions on the label.
  • Once the soap has liquefied, add the rest of the ingredients and mix well.
  • Pour the mixture into an ice cube tray, or into the desired shape.
  • Chill the mixture in the refrigerator for 2 hours and remove the soap from the mold. You can store them in a cellophane bag or in soft, colorless paper.

Recommendations When Using Brown Sugar Exfoliants

Recommendations for exfoliants

All these brown sugar exfoliants are said to be very gentle and suitable for any skin type. However, there are some precautions you should take to really enjoy all of their benefits. So don’t forget these tips:

  • Always use natural ingredients. Ideally, you want to use products you can trust and know are of high quality. Choose fresh fruit and avoid processed fruit.
  • Store your exfoliants in glass containers. Glass jars apparently keep the best features of your exfoliants intact. Plastic containers change some elements due to the heat generated by contact with oils.
  • Keep your exfoliants in a cool place. Since they often contain infusions, fruits and oils, it is important that you keep them fresh at all times.
  • Also, keep them in a dry place, away from sunlight. If you live in a very warm place, you can keep the jar in the refrigerator as long as the top is secure.
  • We urge you one last time: see a doctor or an expert before you head over to a natural treatment.

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